[Released] Events Forge

Create events easily, as new a item in the list, and simply type the name and select payload types.

Organized in the modular list, you create them once and use them in any scene or project.

Event handling:
Drag and drop event list. Select the event from the list and add event listeners visually.

Quick Testing:
Click the Invoke button on the Event to quickly test your event.

Select an Event from the list and track it in the Event visualizer or in the scene.

Exception Handling:
Stay informed about exceptions, such as sending events without listeners or with the wrong payload.

Created at runtime, invoked by cached IL delegates only when used.

Total Control:
Use APIs to streamline your workflow.
Send to all listeners or specific game objects.

More Power:
Fuse them with Observables for even more capabilities.

Drag and drop any Unity Object, select property and listen on property change.

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Now supports Input System and have Templates for faster development