[RELEASED] Everloop - Nonlinear Soundtrack KIT

Everloop is a pack of 12 ambient loop-able music layers (and 20 SFX sounds), which can be played simultaneously. You make up your own perfect never-repeating soundtrack regardless of synchronization, order, volume, number and combination of layers played — everything will sound smooth and cohesive.

Have fun and try how it works — WEB (HTML5)

The pack includes 12 wav audio tracks and 20 original sound effects (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, Stereo) plus the demo to play around and find the sound perfect for you.

Please post any feedback here or email info (at) dustyroom (dot) com.

The ASSET STORE LINK IS HERE Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

I liked the effect, will there a way to shift positions in the future without getting the scratchy effect?
Overally I thought this was excellent but I did struggle to see how I might use it in-game.

Perhaps a 3d demo in the style of old Koan-X (1996!) would help people visualise the power?

Either way clever stuff. I am just not seeing how I might use it yet.

To remove the scratchy effect you need to set the volume to zero while shifting positions. I will add that into the todo for the next version of the asset.
However, when using the tracks in a game you shouldn’t have this issue, since the player won’t be shifting positions of tracks. For them it is just like a soundtrack that changes depending on their actions/location in game, which they might not even realize. Your job as the game developer is to start/stop the tracks based on the player’s behaviour and express the atmosphere through music this way.

We’ll think about a demo game to show this off, thanks for the advice!

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I love the sound from the demo video :slight_smile: great work!! I was wondering, are you planning on expanding the product, adding more soundloops etc? Once again, great job!!

Thank you, we’re glad you like the asset!
We plan to add new tracks to the package since there is still space to grow. The last update added 5 new tracks (including a rhythm one) that can be mixed in with the existing tracks. We plan to make more updates like that.

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Thanks for the super fast reply! :slight_smile: I’ll get my copy straight away!

Ah okay. Sounds good. With a nice blended demo this makes sense to me. The packaging is confuzzling to an old studio head… So in essence the pack is 38 samples that fit nicely together? I think I will pick it up just to see what is in there.
Could there be a “Community Contributed Samples” section in this things future?



Was the first word came up with me, after the first word some more words came up:

Briljant, Magnificent, Perfect, Unsurpassable and so on, and so on…


My recommendations for an in-game demo would be something like a 3D top down layout of various rooms, have triggers at the room edges/doors to show off various action music which turns on as you enter, and off as you leave the room, various collision objects which can trigger single/short repeat loops of some of the sounds which might be used to indicate various in-game entities. You can likely tie the turning on or off of sequences to when NPCs are in range, and other such examples.

When I first saw the asset I assumed it was designed specifically to be a light weight dynamic music solution, in the vein of your Left4Dead or Vermintide style games, to indicate calm scenes, dramatic scenes, and all the tangents in between, based on the combination of loops.

I went ahead and picked up it up a few minutes ago, but haven’t had a chance to give it a go yet - the seamless looping audio tracks themselves have value based on your specific use cases.

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Sure, you can use your own audio tracks if you wish. Please look at the info that will help you do that, it’s in the FAQ here - http://dustyroom.com/everloop/
To be honest I don’t know how Community Contributed Samples implementation could be held in Unity Asset Store.

Thank you for your comment Alex! The initial the idea of the asset was to stream instant non-repeating soundtracks. So far these are audio files. Now we are very close to implementing the script so that developers could manage their “intensity” or “density” (as well as other things) of the tracks depending on the events. The generation of the soundtrack will be automated. And we think, this opens some new possibilities and directions :smile: The update will be free of course.

Thank you!!!



I am using the EverloopController and it seems to be playing the same sequence of tracks each time (both in the editor and on my Android device). Also, if I uncheck the “Enable autopilot” option, when I enter Play Mode the option becomes re-enabled. Both issues may be user error, or (for the first error) I may not be understanding what this package does (inspector says auto pilot starts/stops random tracks, so this should produce a unique sound track on each play, correct?).

Here are the settings:


Thank you for the questions! The second one is indeed a bug which appeared in the last version. I will submit the update today. For a quicker fix, please find the attached file and replace yours with it.

We can’t reproduce the problem with same sequence repeating. Can you please go to EverloopController.cs and replace the first line with this: #define EVERLOOP_VERBOSE. It will output a bunch of information into the Unity’s console. Please verify that the tracks are indeed always the same or post few outputs here. We’ll try to figure it out.

2603763–182452–EverloopControllerEditor.cs (4.33 KB)

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Okay, dumb mistake on my part (in my defense, I haven’t worked with audio much!), but I had replaced/removed/added Audio Sources on the Everloop Controller and failed to unchecked the “Play on Awake” check box for them, so they were (go figure) playing on awake!

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Hey, can I save / record the music to a single audio file?



You can use any Digital Audio Workstation for this, for example, Reaper.

Do the tracks play on a set beat and if not is this possible?
ie. with Unity - Scripting API: AudioSource.PlayScheduled

Nevermind, I just realised that the asset only includes audio tracks and not a player.

Is this still being worked on? On your website it states that each new update will bring new tracks but it looks like you started with 17 tracks and now only have 18. So… half an update?

Yes, it is. The latest update was made because we needed to quickly add a asked-for scripting documentation. We’ll make a proper update with new layers shortly.


Any idea when u guys will be updating ? Also sometimes my music stops for couple seconds completely ( 0 layers playing ) and then resumes in couple of seconds again , any idea what could be the problem ?

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my song is 70 bpm. all loops are identical in length.
Still everloop in editor gets out of sync after a while

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