[Released] Explosions Effect Pack

Hello everyone!
I’ve just released a new effect pack on the asset store - Explosions Effect Pack.
This pack contains six ready-to-use explosion prefabs for a variety of uses, designed for maximum punch and destructive appearance. Use them for oil tanks, grenades, vehicles, and more.
They’re also designed to work well with HDR and tonemapping for next-gen games.
This pack contains the following effects:

  • Simple explosion
  • Small ground explosion
  • Ground dust explosion
  • Big fiery explosion
  • Big fiery ground explosion
  • Big fiery ground explosion w/ smoke trails

Check out a video of the pack in action:

Now available on the Unity Asset Store here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making


I don’t listen sound, do you add some sound ?
Do you test on Mobile ?

There’s no sound, as this is not a sound pack. It is purely a particle effect pack.
No, I have not tested on mobile, as mentioned in the asset description. It is designed for PC games (it works well with HDR and tonemapping, and is also designed for HDR-friendly bloom solutions like Sonic Ether’s Natural Bloom package)


Nice, these particle effects look great!

Probably one of the most realistic explosion effects in the Asset Store at the moment.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Bump, again.

New webplayer demo up: http://www.mophogames.com/explosion-fx-webplayer-demo/