[RELEASED] Flux - The Cinematic Editor For Unity


I’ve been a member of this community for 9y and finally decided to launch a tool for Unity.

It is called Flux, it is a cinematic editor that is made to be tightly integrated into Unity - specially the Animation system -, and it was built from the ground up thinking about performance, usability, extensibility and determinism.

Here’s the intro video:

I’d love to know what are your thoughts, comments, etc.

EDIT: It has been released! Flux | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store
EDIT 2: You can try it before buying, grab it at http://www.fluxeditor.com/try.html

Nuno Afonso


Here’s a video showing how that scene was created:

Nuno Afonso

1 Like

Here’s a few more videos, covering object animation, camera animation, and character animation workflow:

I have been looking for something just like this! I see the team license on your website is $399, I am only interested in a single license. Hopefully that will be significantly lower.

Before I was using Animator, but it’s UI and support are a bit lacking.

I am excited to see what becomes of this.

Hi ChadM,

1 user license is planned to go for $95 (hopefully UT will accept the tool soon, it is in review).

I’d be very interested to know what kind of use you’d give it, if you want to share feel free to get in touch directly and we’ll talk a bit about it. ;-]

Nuno Afonso

Hi, Great job.

The Asset Store has accepted Flux, and it is now available! Yay!

Asset Store Link: http://u3d.as/content/nuno-afonso/flux

A trial package will be available soon so that you can try Flux before you buy, although I’m pretty sure you’ll be happy with it ;-]

Nuno Afonso

You can now try it before buying (requires 4.5)!


Let me know what you think ;-]

Nuno Afonso

New time lapse video on creating a cut scene with Flux:

Nuno Afonso

Thanks for demo.

I tried the demo and I’m very impressed . This is an awesome asset!
The emphasis is on animation but I guess with the API I could create my own events, am I right?
(It would fit perfect in my workflow if I could create keyframes in the timeline that calls c# events in other scripts. Do you think it is possible right out of the box?)

I had also some usability suggestions:
In the Flux inspector I can set the From and To values with a button from the current position.It would be cool to change the position(or whatever property) of the gameObject in the opposite direction (Set the position of the gameobject to the current “From” position for example).
It also would be great to be able to drag&drop or copy&paste events to&from another track of the same event type. (Or at least have copy&paste on the same track)

Great work!

thats looks great!!! great jo u done!!!

First of all sorry for answering so late, keep forgetting that for some reason I don’t get email notifications on the thread, need to check what’s up with that!

Yes, you can create your own events, you just extend from FEvent (or any other class that comes from FEvent), I’ll hook up one example in the website showing how easy it is. You can also customize how the event gets drawn (e.g. the Audio event draws the waveform on it).

Thanks, will add that soon. Current build is going to be focused on more events, specially trying to have sequences that can call other sequences, but in a way that also will allow you to see what the other sequences do in preview as you scrub, not as easy thing to do but I think in the next couple of weeks I may have it ;-]

Yes, I’m hoping to improve copy and pasting, probably not in the next build though, but I’ll keep you guys updated!

Thanks for the motivational words guys, it is good to know something you put in so much time is appreciated ;-] If you have any more questions or think about some kind of events you think would be useful, please let me know!

BTW the price point for Flux is now settled at $50!

Nuno Afonso

Flux was chosen for a 24h sale on the Asset Store, it is 50% off! ;-]

You can try it for free on http://www.fluxeditor.com/try.html

Nuno Afonso

Thanks for giving trial ver.

I picked Flux up yesterday during the sale and I’m pretty excited because it looks like it will help solve a problem I’ve been working on. However, I get a compile error when I try to build the project (note, the compile error occurs only when building. the package imported and compiled file). The error is:

error CS1061: Type UnityEngine.AnimationClip' does not contain a definition for isLooping’ and no extension method isLooping' of type

The cause seems to be lines 87 and 110 of the FPlayAnimationEvent.cs script where the _animationClip.isLooping flag is being checked. Again, the really weird thing is that this error is only thrown when trying to build the project once the Flux asset package has been imported regardless of whether or not any of the Flux scripts are actually being used.

My setup is:
Unity 4.5.3f3 on Windows
Build Target is Android, Minimum API: Android 2.3.3 ‘Gingerbread’

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

@barrenjunk pls ping me at support@fluxeditor.com . Atm I can’t verify this, but as soon as I’m able to I’ll reply to you via email.

For anybody else having the same issue, seems that that API is being stripped at build time. I reported it to UT, and resubmitted a Flux hot fix (1.2.1).

Although in the meantime, please do the following replacements on FPlayAnimationEvent.cs:

Line 87:
if( IsAnimationEditable() || _animationClip.isLooping )
if( IsAnimationEditable() )

Line 108:
return _animationClip.isLooping ? Length : Mathf.RoundToInt(_animationClip.length * _animationClip.frameRate) - Length;
return Length;

I bought and played with Flux and extended it for my needs. Really top-notch tool!!!

I have some things that would be nice to have (or I’m not aware of ):

Deactive/activate a whole track or a single event.
Labeling of a event box in the editor(or coloring). (Right now everything is just blue and no further information is displayed)
Right mouse click support for creating events/tracks or other stuff. (Would be a huge usabillity enhancement)
Mouse scroll wheel support for zooming into the timeline.

How do you guys installed the demo version?

note: I tried removing the “.zip” and then in unity import custom package