[RELEASED] Free Prefab Painter (GitHub)

Prefab Painter

Hello, I have put a free, open source prefab painter on GitHub.

  • the main UI of the prefab painter -

GitHub: GitHub - alexanderameye/prefab-painter: A basic prefab painter for the Unity3D game engine.

Important! The prefabs need colliders in order for the tool to work.

Import the project into Unity3D and open the prefab brush tool by clicking Tools → Prefab Painter.


  • Paint on every type of surface (plane, terrain, sphere,…)
  • Paint multiple types of prefabs at once
  • Paint with random prefab rotations
  • Paint with random prefab sizes
  • Prefab previewer
  • Customizable brush size, density
  • Paint on selected layers
  • Palette/presets functionality with useful toolbar

+ more info on GitHub!


There is now a ‘palette’ feature that always you to export/import ‘presets’ of prefab collections that you want to paint with.

Thank you @romatallinn for adding this feature and making the project compatible with 2018.3.


Project updated with a new ‘palette’ toolbar. You can load, save, edit and remove palettes and you can also use the drop down on the right to see all the loaded palettes for easy access.

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Reworking the prefab UI. Will be updated on GitHub in the next week.


Looks great!

Looks great! Let me know when you have updated it.

Thank you for working and sharing this asset for the public. Well done!

very nice!

You’re welcome. I enjoy working on it :slight_smile:

Wanted to show one more thing that’s not very clear in the last video. You can select prefabs in the list and then the settings for it will be displayed. There is a label that shows the name of the currently selected prefab.


@MCrafterzz GitHub was updated with new prefab list. GitHub - alexanderameye/prefab-painter: A basic prefab painter for the Unity3D game engine.

Another thing I’m working on at the moment is the ability to save the palettes using a file explorer window. Before the tool would pick the name of the palette but now you can choose the name, save location etc. Now also renaming palettes will not cause any issues. I’ve added some warning and info messages to make the tool more user friendly.


Can you make a feature that is like this: rotate painted objects to align with paint direction.
So when painting a fence or stripes on a road they will be aligned to the painted troke.

Ahh, not sure how to implement but sounds cool. Will take a look at it for sure.

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Its like in this video align to stroke at 2:10 time

Hello, I don’t know if I did something wrong when importing this tool, or if I’m just not using it right, but ctrl + left click doesn’t do anything. I just have that text in the editor, as you can see.

Hmm, could you tell me a bit more about the mesh you are painting on or the objects you are painting with? Do they have colliders on them?

The mesh is a collection of small meshes put together and sculpted a bit to look like mountains and valleys. The prefabs I am trying to paint do not have colliders. I’m really hoping you can help me get this working, it looks like an amazing tool that’ll save me so much time.

I’m pretty sure that the object you’re painting on needs a collider. The tool shoots raycasts down from the mouse to determine if it can place an object. So try to add a collider to your terrain and I think that will solve it.

My terrain has a collider but the plants that i am trying to paint onto the mesh do not have a collider. Could the issue be that I’m not zoomed in enough to the mesh?

Yeah it’s a weird issue. I don’t think that the plants would need a collider but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve had some issues too with some objects not painting. What happens if you paint basic stuff like cubes or spheres, do they work?

Give me a second to try, I’ll post a screen shot.