[Released] Game Kit Controller: Engine with melee, weapons, vehicles, crafting & more! 3.77

Hi everyone.

Good day of work, almost all finished for the upcoming patch update. Btw, here an option to keep the strafe state when crouching when not aiming fire weapons, as it is disabled by default

You can enable it here, on player controller component, on its advanced settings:



Hi everyone.

I have improved the aim on the AI on 2.5d mode, along some checks on their logic to attack from distance if the target position can’t be reached by navmesh, changing for example from melee weapon to use a bow:



Hi everyone.

I have improved the character creator, in this case, for the AI, as it allows to now show and update each setting list related to each AI template type, just like the player creator process on this same wizard.

This allows to update the values on the character creator setting list for any of the templates, to customize from there easily:



Hi everyone.

I configured an example as part of the destroyable body parts to severe the character in half if enough damage is made on its torso:

It works like the other examples, by spawning an upper body character with ragdoll and scaling the 0 the skeleton part, in this case, above the spine.

Any suggestion for any other example of this body destruction stuff that could be interesting?



A mechanism where you duplicate and shrink body parts suggests there could also be an opportunity to duplicate and regrow (unshrink). So, kind of like the classic hydra monster, you cut him in half, but in time he regenerates from both halves, and now you have two of them to fight!

To prevent regeneration, each part has to be thrown into the fire! :fire:


Another possibility ? " shrink spell " cuts HP according to the shrink size … magic skill ? XD
EDIT: I’d probably go the other way … make a pet bigger for a time to do more DD.


Spawning new AI from body parts dropped could be an interesting example haha, I will add it on the todo list for another update as example of stuff to trigger from spawned destroyed body parts.

Another way to avoid enemies to spawn from them would be to just destroy the body parts spawned.

@Mark_01 could be also an interesting ability example, I want to play with scaling characters in real time, as it would allow new mechanics and interesting abilities, kind of ant man or prey (the original one) style.


Hi everyone.

I have improved a few elements on the AI behavior on 2.5d mode, including a better aiming and change attack mode if the target can be reached, including also when the player is just grabbing to some wall part:



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On the gravity source … I was thinking of making a spinning ring in space to simulate gravity for astronauts riding inside the ring. So in this case, instead of the character being on the outside of an object with a gravity point in the middle of it, and trying to stick to the outside, it’s more like gravity would be directed away from a point, or in the case of a rotating cylinder, the gravity would be directed away from an axial line traveling along the core of the cylinder.

Any idea how to accomplish this not only for multiple characters but also for the various items - like cargo crates or spent ammo cartridges - that would be oriented to a different “down” direction relative to where they are located on the inside of the spinning cylinder?

One way to finesse it might be to have regular gravity operating and lay the ring out as though it was flat, and then simulate movement looping around the ring by teleporting things from the left side of the flat map to the right side. That would be contrived and kludgy, requiring basically a portal technology, but it would solve my various issues.



I can’t remember exactly, but I think I added an option to use the opposite direction of a center point, so it could use the inverted gravity direction, allowing to move in the inside of an object instead of the outside.

It would be an option on the set gravity component. I will do some testing the next week, as I am trying to finish all the tasks for a small patch update this weekend.

If not included yet, I will add on the todo list to include an option for it, as it is an useful option :wink:

Objects are already managed by the gravity system, using also the set gravity, so the option would be the same for those objects too.




Hi everyone.

Almost done with all the tasks for the upcoming patch update, just need to finish a couple of tests and do some tweaks.

In the meantime, here another example of the destroyable upper body, using the time bullet which makes a fun effect:



Hi everyone.

I am adjusting the fire weapon to have better feeling on the visual aspect for recoil and shooting and movement in both 3rd and 1st person.

I adjusted the random recoil and reduced the rotation off set up of the recoil too, I enabled the camera noise, to add extra rotation to the camera up and to the sides when firing and added a couple of values to adjust the recoil values on FBA.

Let me know any possible adjustment that could make it look better. I have been tweaking more the values since this video.



Any chance there’s updated integration info for Emerald AI 2024? Or is the GKC AI robust enough now that I should just stick with it? First time GKC user

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Sorry for the time to reply, I was sleeping until a few minutes ago.

Yes, emerald 2024 will be integrated this month, very probably the next week, as I am finishing a new update this week.

Once the integration with emerald 2024 (which should be very similar to the current one with emerald 3) is made, I will post the doc here, so anyone can use it already.

About the AI on GKC, it is also very complete, allowing to use many different attack behaviors, like fire weapons, melee, powers, abilities and close combat. It can also use any generic model to be animals, or monsters or robots, etc… (same for the player).

It can also hear noises and see to detect targets, along a vision range, there is a faction system to define the relations between group of characters and more.

They can use patrols or wander around, and when they are attacking a target, they can also do parry and counters, roll to avoid damage, walk around and block.

There are some more elements on the AI, like the player is able to use stealth to hide on fixed or trigger spaces, like below tables or on high grass and similar.

Let me know if you need any other info, I always recommend to try the demo scenes to see the elements on the asset that can be useful for your project.

I also recommend to join the discord channel, as I can give a better help support there.


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Not sure why the mention wasn’t added on my previous reply, just wanted to said my previous post was to reply about your question :wink:


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Hi everyone.

Just wanted to show a quick summary of the elements with Inverse kinematics on the characters, to make them to interact more dynamically with the environment:



I figured this would be very fast reply for you… I asked chat to go to Welcome | Game Kit Controller and find info for me… it could not give me a link …

Just confirming more or less… Player and npc skills … Can you make your own skills …
like say " lock picking " in the lock picking skill … and able to assign skill points as they get
experience with more skill points to spend … like lock picking Beginner , up to Master levels ?

Yes, there is a full skill system, allowing to upgrade and unlock them easily through a menu ingame.

There is also skill points which can be obtained from rewards of missions or killing AI, you can see the rewards tutorial video.

That same reward system also allows to get experience which can also increase the level of the player and get new abilities or actions or increase stats.

You can see all the stats, skills and experience system along the skills UI info on this object, in the Essential Components hierarchy:

It is basically a list of info, and each ability or skill unique name allows to identify each one. There are many examples for abilities which can be unlocked or upgrade.

Let me know if you check that. There is also a demo scene to see the experience system.


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Thanks, that was pretty much what I thought … The only real question is
can we add our own skill and point skill ups… ( like your missing the fart ability HAHA jken )

and the other side of that would be objects have to be able to look up the skill level
and any other items … like a Skill ring in a certain discipline…

Like the treasure chest would have to see what level of skill the " lock picking " skill they had …
and decide weather or not to blow up the party , ( after consideration the luck skill ( random set points ) Sorry if it a bit confusing … my writing sux at times…

Yes, you can add new abilities or skills or movements as needed, and set that info on the skill system for what will unlock or upgrade. You can see the examples configured on it.

And any equipped object can also unlock an ability or skill forever or just as long as the object is equipped, on the inventory object it self you can see the ability settings for it.

There is a condition system which can be extended to add new conditions, I have planned to add a check for stats or abilities unlocked, to allow or not interaction with an object, like the examples for the dialogue system to check on stats to allow certain replaies (like persuasion) or the many condition examples, for example to check if there is an inventory object on the inventory’s player.
