Game Kit Controller
Available in the Asset Store
Current Version 3.77d
(February 4, 2025)
GKC is the most complete engine solution with 1st/3rd Person Controller & unique mechanics, RPG systems, Gravity and Sci-Fi features!
New Update 3.77d (Changelog):
-Improved AI behabiors!
-New Zombie AI Template
-Improved damage detection with destroyable body parts and limbs to drop
-AI can toggle long and short range attacks dynamically
-Damaged body parts on AI can change behavior and attacks
-100% compatible with Unity 6
GKC is a powerful engine which allows to create most type of games easily. Including a 3rd/1st person controller, including full body awareness, to cover almost any genre: shooter, adventure, action, puzzles, fixed camera horror/thriller, story telling, fast or slow paced type, 2.5d, top down, point & click, isometric, …
Save thousand of hours in development and focus on making your game. Designed with mechanics in mind and to be highly customizable or/and extended with your own code.
It is the perfect foundation for your game and a great learning tool. Filled with ready to use mechanics. GKC contains amazing features not found on other packages. There are tons of possibilities. Enable/disable anything you need.
Set up a player or IA in a couple of seconds.
Very customizable effects and options: camera states, configuration and transitions, powers, weapons, touch controls, headbob, custom input keys, footsteps, vehicles and much more.
• Character Controller: A physics-based & root motion controller, with features to make the player more dynamic and feel alive, with advanced use of IK for feet, legs, upper body, hands and head track. Include many settings, as number of jumps, look in camera direction, ragdoll transition, drive vehicles, use weapons/powers, foot steps, ground adherence for slopes and stairs with mesh colliders and tank controls, crouch sliding, wall running, dash, climb ladders, lean, paraglider and wind zones …
• Traversal Movements : More MetroidVania than ever! Includes free fall, roll on landing to avoid damage, improved jump-air-land transition, wall running, different jump height based on key press time, swim-dive, slide and wall jump crouch sliding, wall running, free climb system, paraglider & wind zones, fully adapted to 2.5d!
• Action system: configure easily new custom actions based on animations triggered by places of the level, specific situations, input, like sit on a chair, pick objects from the ground, open doors, press button, vault, slide, 360º direction roll/evade, walk on a cliff, etc… Available on the AI too.
• Camera System: Multiple camera views and states, including first and third person with collision detection, and any type of locked camera view, like fixed camera, top down, isometric, point & click, 2.5d, cutscenes, etc…Start the game in any view. The current view can make transitions to any other state, shakes, headbob and other feedback. It has also a powerful lock-on and aim assist.
• Abilities: The player can perform a large number of actions, like circumnavigate spheres & irregular surfaces, adhere to any surface, fire powers from his hands, customize new power behaviors, close combat system with combos, fly freely, use a possession system to control any object on the level, grab and carry objects on camera or in his hands, cloak/stealth system, shield, spell casting, throw objects, use grappling hook, etc… and combine it with the action system to use animations with it, with 30+ abilities examples!
• Advanced Gravity Manipulation: Up is down and left is right. GKC player has a very powerful gravity system which allows to walk on any surface, circumnavigate objects, adhere to any place. Different gravity zones can be configured on the same level, affecting to objects and vehicles as well and the gravity direction in these zones can change in real time, including zero gravity mode. Vehicles has the same gravity manipulation, drive anywhere!
• Character Creator: Create new characters with your own model in a matter of two clicks, including players and NPC/AI for friends and enemies.
• Custom Input System: unified keyboard, touch & gamepad input, using events to trigger any action and configure as much input keys as you need. Controls are ready to use on mobile and it allows to manage multiple gamepads for local multiplayer. Input can be rebind ingame and save/load it.
• Mobile Ready: all the controls, actions and features works in mobile. Touch controls can be enabled in editor and desktop at any moment.
• Advanced Weapon System: Extensible and customizable weapon system based on physics and IK, including new behaviors, allows to configure from regular weapons such a revolver or shotgun, to advanced tools, like a flashlight or an smartphone.
Attachments can be configured ingame. Includes a decal manager for any type of surface for scorch, sounds and particles. Insane amount of options to shoot: spread, projectiles per shoot, clip size, bullet speed, bullet force amount, explosion radius, …
Now with Dual Wield weapons are now available, setting every weapon for every hand in real time. And animation management for weapons in 1st person, compatible with any weapon pack on the store.
• Inventory Management: Add and configure new inventory objects in a few clicks, including weapons, ammo, consumables, quest items and pickups. Each object can have weight and the inventory can have a weight limit. Inventory is managed through any type of category. These objects can be also examined in the inventory menu and inventory size can be increased ingame with bags. Crates and chest can instantiate these objects anywhere. Inventory banks included. New Hotbar added!
• Extensible Vehicle System: Car, motorbike, hovercraft, aircraft, hoverboard, … based on physics, with advanced damage detection, weapons, IK for driver and passengers limbs and body, throw passengers on high collisions and camera states. New vehicle Wizard Creator added.
• Powerful Map System included, to configure tiles for every room, floor, building and exterior/cities of your game with an advanced map creator, with views in 2d/3d and compass. Use a mini map window with different icons for every type of object.
• Friend and enemy AI: including health bars, unarmed, weapons and combat type, advanced waypoint system for patrols, give orders to friendly AI, like enter on vehicles, factions to configure relations between NPCs and the player, hide from AI on places like grass or under a table. Also, now Zombies included! Includes AI pet companion to call, ride and give orders. AI can take turns to attack like Arkham games, steal or pick weapons from scene!
• Interact with any device/object in the level, such as text screens, password terminals, computers, security cameras, padlocks, places with text messages for the player, buttons to press, doors, elevators, ziplines, jump platforms, pressure plates, heal/damage zones, teleportation platforms, puzzles, tutorial triggers, one way and waypoint platforms, explosive barrels, etc…
• RPG elements: XP and level, mission system to configure any type of quest, skills with upgrades, stats, currency, vendor system, stamina, oxygen … with serialization.
• Melee Combat System: allowing to perform combos, special attacks, blocks with sword/shields, roll/dodge, perfect blocks, hit reaction system, throw/return weapon, warp ability, activate a slice mode, bow/arrows with effects, lock-on target and much more, including the AI brain for melee as well! Fire projectiles from melee weapons, like magic stuff or rifle/gun swords!
• Scene Manager to change of scene ingame, connect your scenes and levels through events, triggers and buttons, with auto save/load and fast travel stations.
• Complete Save/Load System: included in the package, it allows to save/load the game in any moment, save stations and checkpoints, with the most important info, including inventory, weapons, stats, experience, skills, missions, etc… Also auto save/load of info when changing to a different Scenes. Loading screen system with % load included.
• Powerful Editor: The asset is made with very intuitive and easy to use custom editors, having the perfect workflow to create and configure elements like new inventory objects, weapons, maps, etc… in seconds.
• Packed with content: Multitude of systems to boost the development: health with advanced damage detection, dialog with decisions and branches, mission to configure any type of quest, local multiplayer with split screen and multiple gamepad management, full map and compass, climb ledge, create cutscenes, examine and interact with objects, Photo Mode to take captures ingame and more. Includes movements like free fall, roll on landing to avoid damage fall, improved jump-air-land transition, wall running, different jump height based on key press time, … All code included.
• Community and Support: Official Discord channel with a growing base of users. Get direct support in real time from the developer and helping people as well, with remote sessions.
-Emerald AI
-Easy Build System
-UMA 2
-Edy’s Vehicles
-Malber’s animals
-NWH vehicles
-Dialogue system
-More to arrive
-New enemies, weapons & powers
-New vehicles: industrial, construction, planes, space ships, …
-Crafting System: recipes, build tools, cook and more
-Online multiplayer
-Armor/cloth system
-Cover System
-Climb System
-VR Support
-And more
INTEGRATIONS PLANNED: This is the more immediate list of integrations planned for the next months:
-Horse animator pro
-Destroy it
-ABC ability control toolkit
-Puppet master
-Behavior designer
-Quest Machine
If you have any question or issue, don’t hesitate to use the email support, this forum or join discord, which can be found on this page and in the doc.
GKC is in constant development.
Complete list of features/changelog from previous versions
Get the best support possible on discord, with a growing community which also helps each other and also, you can chat directly with the developer of GKC in real time, for doubts, issues or questions.
This document is currently in process. For now, this is the lastest version of this file, which will include tutorials for every system in the asset. Every week, this file will be updated until is totally complete.
New Documentation 3.7 covering first steps and basic setup. Added September 10, 2023 (new content will arrive soon).
The price of the asset in the Asset Store is 59$
Version 3.77d Current Version (added February 4, 2025)
PC demo 1
PC demo 2
PC demo Local Multiplayer
Android demo
Remember to close/open unity project once the package is imported into the project.
(GKC 3.77d Action Systems Animations Package.unitypackage - Google Drive)
SHOWCASE VIDEO (games developed using GKC)
TUTORIAL VIDEOS (New videos every week)
Update 3.8 (already in process)
- Online multiplayer, flexible to use most common online solutions
- Selection for single player, coop or online multiplayer menus ingame
- Customization of the character at the beginning of the game, like in dark souls, fallout, cyberpunk, etc… allowing to set info related to stats, abilities and other values according to the class selected (warrior, wizard, archer, etc…)
- VR integration
- Inventory tetris grid managemenet inspired in resident evil 4
- Main tutorial video for guide, quick start and first steps into any kind of project, including to show character templates for player and AI
- AI boss examples and resident evil nemesis/mr X AI type examples
Update 3.9
- Cover system
- Ability to swap between characters in the game, similar to GTA V
- More deep combo and special attacks activated by different key combinations,…
- Ability to move on ledges to left and right while grabbing them
- Separation of the whole HUD and UI elements of the player prefab, being two separated objects, to make them easier to manage
- Build system to make structures and interaction objects on scene, like many crafting games
- Tutorial videos to cover different genres with GKC (and more)
First update 4.0
- Farming/Harvesting mechanics
- Survival elements, hungry, thirty, body temperature, and other stats, like poison
- More wizards for the creation and customization of stuff
- More parkour and dynamic movement from platformer genres, like mario 64, odyssey, grab
- from ceilings like in crash bandicoot, …
- AI extended and improved behaviors, reacting to object on scenes, take random decisions,
- crowd AI type for cities/large spaces
- Moving inside ships and any other type of vehicle/object through physics forces, like outer wilds/star citizen (maybe on 3.9)
Next updates of 4.0
- More types of controls, similar to Diablo, MOBA & RTS and similar genres
- More integrations with other assets (suggest any you consider interesting or useful
- New enemy types, weapons & powers
- Boss system
- New vehicles, like regular, industrial, construction, planes, spatial ships, etc…
- Cargo system on vehicles
- Online multiplayer
- Integrations with ABC combat system, MS vehicles, Honor AI, Quest Machine, Climbing System, Behavior AI, Horse Pro Anim Set and more
- AI able to drive & walk in any surface
- More control types based on games like Diablo and RTS genres
- Vehicle race system
- Cover System
- Ability to swap between characters in the game, similar to GTA V or agents of mayhem
- Vehicles with automatic weapons, to detect and fire at targets
- Audio and text files to find in the level, which will be stored in a system, saving/loading those files already found, similar to dead space, resident evil games, etc…
- More deep combo and special attacks activated by different key combinations
- New elements for the dialog system: changes of cameras, time limit to give answers, 3d bubbles on the level to show dialog lines, images on the screen for each character talking, etc….
- AI able to give pickups to the player
- More improvements to all the systems
- Option to increase spread amount for automatic weapons, with a minimum, a maximum and the increase speed
- Option when weapons are picked, check the bullets, if the weapon is already picked, take its bullets
- Option to set if a weapon is already picked, change between weapons, to set different stats
- More weapons/tools, more behaviors to projectiles, more powers, more abilities and mechanics related to physics and games like infamous, control and dishonored
- Weapons that overheat, can have charged shoots, secondary shoots and can received damage, break and be repaired
- More hack mechanics similar to watch dogs 2
- Full UI navigation with gamepad
- And more…
GKC is continuously being improved, including documentation in progress.