I am back, sorry for the delay.
The camera currently moves to the position of the player, since he works changing his rigidbody velocity, and with a smooth following sometimes it looks like laggy, so I think that like this works better.
The option about the health system like fall damage is not added due to the mechanical of the gravity, but is an option that many users can find useful and I will add this features in the fix update. The triggers that you mention can already be used, just check when the player enters the collider and call this code:
player.GetComponent ().setDamage (damageAmount, direction of the damage, position of the damage, gameObject that cause that damage);
About health pickups, use triggers to check when the player is close to them, and add a certain amount of life to the healht value of the character. Also, check that the regenerate speed is 0, to avoid the player recover his health over time.
The footsteps check the layer of the object that every trigger in the feet of the player touchs. But this system seems to work not properly with some models, when the user set his own 3d model, so I will remake the system, with the same functionality. About the pool, yeah I want to add it too, but I didn’t find much steps effects, but definitely will add the random step mode.
About the powers, in the inspector of otherPowers you can select which power is active by setting to 1 (enable) or 0 (disable) in the array Activated Powers, to uses as the way that you said for example.
Finally, the prefab is done like that due to all the dependencies between the elements in the hud and the scripts of the character. If the interface and the character would two different prefabs, these references will be missing, and every user would have to set every object in the parameters of the scripts that use them.
But a way to instantiate or respawn a player would be create the prefab, and then set the position of the gameObject Character inside the prefab, which only contains the player and the camera (touch controls and radar also) in the position that you need.
So, what is it the better way to add this options?
-Separate script/editor to enable/disable every feature in the asset.
-A more simple character prefab, without powers,gravity, hud…