[Released] Game Kit Controller: Engine with melee, weapons, vehicles, crafting & more! 3.77d

Last post Jul 22 2014? Is this asset still supported?
Id like to pick it up, I don’t need the gravity thing just yet (but I do have another game idea that would use it) But I need a simple but robust 3rd person controller, which supports hand to hand fighting, and maybe climbing, (preferably on tagged invisible colliders so I can just enclose a ladder or tree with a box and it will transition to upward movement and climbing animation.

More specifically I need to add in Photon Multiplayer… but I don’t think thats a problem.

Im having trouble finding a simple and cheap solution for GOOD 3rd person, without andy additional scripting, is it possible to just switch off features I dont need?


Hmm… I went and downloaded this. Im afraid it wasn’t what I was expecting. I had hoped that, as a character controller asset, I would be able to configure this for my own use, which would be to disable almost everything!
I am making an extremely simple game (apart from it being multiplayer) and all i need as explained above was a a good 3rd person controller with fighting… (climbing was a "would be nice)

The demo showed promise, as although I didnt need ANY INTERFACE, thats right no GUI, (ok, maybe one health bar) I enjoyed a few features, the switch from 3rd person to 1st person was seamless and professional, and the character manoeuvred well, AND I like variable footsteps, (Although I must say, re-triggering the same footstep sound continuously is not too good sounding, picking randomly from a pool would be better)

However, upon opening the asset, I cant even find the character prefab, only the GTC_Prefab, that has ALOT of stuff attached. I really was hoping that there would be some controls for enabling or disabling features.

No one will be making THIS EXACT game so it seems quite a deal to rip it out of this project and insert it in your own.

Dont get me wrong, I can see that alot of work has gone into this, and its feature rich, but its too much for me…
Is there a simple way to get what Im after, or is there a way to get a refund, I know its not expensive, but I cant afford to buy an asset, open it and realise in about 20 minutes that I cant use it…

But PLEASE, if there is a way for me to use it, explain, I still need a solution!

Hi markfrancombe, yes, this asset is still supported, and that date you said is when I joined to the web, not the last post, since the asset was created this year.

I am sorry for the problems that this had caused to you. The possibility or disable different parts of the controller is something about I don’t think until some days ago. The current project allows to disable all the powers of the player and also, other scripts can be removed.

This is due, like you said, to the version 2.0 and the amount of features that I added. But you are right, a good option (or a needed option) is the possibility to use the controller without the features that users don’t need, so I will add this option as a fix in the next update.

Due to I have not almost free time right now, the last update of the asset was a month ago, but in christmas, I will keep working in the next update, but before that, I will upload a new version with a couple of fix, and also the option to disable any part of the controller.

So right now, you can wait to that update which will be upload this month, or you can tell me what features you need from the asset, and help you to remove all the other stuff from the asset.

And of course, you can get a refund.

Hey sr388!

Thanks for the response!
Well I’ll hang on with that refund, I still need a good solution for a 3rd person controller so maybe this CAN be tweaked.
I did manage to get my character into your game, AND added the punching and kicking animations (I got the Taiko pack you suggested and added them).

Although many of your features intrigue me, what I NEED right now is:

  • 3rd person controller with close up fighting animations.
  • 3rd person camera (zoom super zoom in to 1st person view… very nice) with mouselook. Id prefer a camera that followed from behind…with some lagging or smoothing… but yours works…
  • Health system, only need a single LIFE health bar (Id need to design that to fit my game so good commenting here needed) must be damage for long falls, and from punches or kicks from a similarly set up NPC/network player. (plus some method to add damage myself thru scripting or location, for example an invisible configurable collider object with “strength of attack” parameter. So if placed over a pit of spikes, parameter can be 100 (instant death) if its placed in water just when your character “goes under” it could be set to 20, (heath drips away slowly till you a) get out of the water b) die)
  • Id like health pickups (run over something to regenerate a bit of lost health)
  • Footsteps on different textures (is this how yours works? Forgot to take a close look at it, or is each surface a separate object with tags? Basically does it respond to textures applied to a terrain (preferably with multiple slots for sounds, script should then randomly pick from a small pool, yours are a bit repetitive)

What I DONT WANT, is any GUI, no mouse wheel swap of “Powers” or shields or lasers… or ahem… gravity stuff…

Although I must say, it was the “gravity” in the title that intrigued me, as I struggled with that for another game a while back. AND it might be that in my game I MIGHT want my player to be able to “pick up abilities” along the way, so your Mouse wheel COULD come in handy… For example, picking up a stick enables you to fight with stick… till then only fists, maybe they find a magic book, and a 3rd item on the wheel appears, enabling a magical “ray” (basically your laser)…

So I wouldn’t want to DELETE anything of yours, you never know… where my game is going…

Anyway… interested to see what you can come up with… with a bit of configuablility this could be a really useful asset…


EDIT: Oh one last thing, If I select GTC_Prefab ( or Prefrab as you have spelt it :slight_smile: It picks up a whole LOAD of stuff with it, Even System and Huds and Menues. It would be helpful to just have the Player Character (with all needed scripts attached) separated from the system.
Apart from any other reason, its hard to place in a scene, when the transform point is way off in space somewhere, it needs to have a parent transform smack bang on the player…
In my game, being multi playe means it gets spawned in so GOD KNOWS where it would end up if I was carrying around all that stuff

Ok, I have read your post, and the options that you suggest are very reasonable, and very useful, so any user can choose what features can be disabled or enabled in a simple way just by setting true or false in the inspector. I am thinking that a good way will be a separated script that allows to set all the features to true or false, being an easy and fast way to configure it, with a couple of editor options.

Right now I am at class (a master’s degree), I will back here in a couple of hours, so I could explain my self better.


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I am back, sorry for the delay.

The camera currently moves to the position of the player, since he works changing his rigidbody velocity, and with a smooth following sometimes it looks like laggy, so I think that like this works better.

The option about the health system like fall damage is not added due to the mechanical of the gravity, but is an option that many users can find useful and I will add this features in the fix update. The triggers that you mention can already be used, just check when the player enters the collider and call this code:

player.GetComponent ().setDamage (damageAmount, direction of the damage, position of the damage, gameObject that cause that damage);

About health pickups, use triggers to check when the player is close to them, and add a certain amount of life to the healht value of the character. Also, check that the regenerate speed is 0, to avoid the player recover his health over time.

The footsteps check the layer of the object that every trigger in the feet of the player touchs. But this system seems to work not properly with some models, when the user set his own 3d model, so I will remake the system, with the same functionality. About the pool, yeah I want to add it too, but I didn’t find much steps effects, but definitely will add the random step mode.

About the powers, in the inspector of otherPowers you can select which power is active by setting to 1 (enable) or 0 (disable) in the array Activated Powers, to uses as the way that you said for example.

Finally, the prefab is done like that due to all the dependencies between the elements in the hud and the scripts of the character. If the interface and the character would two different prefabs, these references will be missing, and every user would have to set every object in the parameters of the scripts that use them.

But a way to instantiate or respawn a player would be create the prefab, and then set the position of the gameObject Character inside the prefab, which only contains the player and the camera (touch controls and radar also) in the position that you need.

So, what is it the better way to add this options?
-Separate script/editor to enable/disable every feature in the asset.
-A more simple character prefab, without powers,gravity, hud…


I think the camera works great! As I said before the transition from 3rd to 1st person works well (although Id prefer that on the scro9ll wheel, but I know YOU are using that for weapon swap so… never mind)

Er… yeah… but you would have to write these :slight_smile: If you had 2 Prefabs in in the package, one for damage and one for Life… The damage one you place over spikes and whirling chopping knives… er… sorry… and the life one over mushrooms. I can’t code… well I use PlayMaker… I might be able to figure it out, but… hint hint

So… this is not gonna work for terrain then?? where a grass texture can fade into snow or rock? Hmmm… I know thats the way they do it in UFPS… works well… about the not having many step sounds… whats you email… Ill send you all I have… lots!

I think the best way would be to have separate parts, a more simple character prefab. One that just “works” for movement and er… living… controller camera and animations. But… include a slot for the other systems, if they are contained in complete prefabs too, cant you have it that you drag one over to make the connection…
Within those elements you could use a editor to enable/disable things.

Ok, I will add thoses triggers as prefabs to damage or heal the player.

I only tested the footstep system in regular objects, not terrains (yet), but due to I want to remake that system, I will test the terrain, and think a proper way to detect diferent textures like grass and similar (I don’t know how UFPS does it) About the sounds, I won’t tell you not to that haha, my email is

About the best option, last time I try to separete the parts in prefabs, the references between them was missing. But that way could work, so as soon as I could, I will start to work in these fixes.

Also, like I have said other times, feel free to sugest other features that you would like to see in future updates.


Hi, I have updated the main post with the features of the next update, and now I am focusing first in fix the issues that some users told me. As soon as possible, the update will be avaliable.

Also, I am thinking about make a contest to celebrate Christmas, with a voucher of this asset as give-away and anyone can participate. The contest would consist in tell in this thread what type of game would you do with this asset, in a couple of lines. If you have already the asset, you can also tell how have you used it. The best idea will get the voucher and people will vote every idea.

This is an example:
“I would make a game in third person controlling a pilot on ground and a mecha, which can fly and use the gravity control in air and in the space. The game will be in a spatial station, fighting with other mechas and robots, to take control of a planet with valuable resources, fighting also in it.”

The minimum of people to participate is 5. The constest starts right now and will finish in a month (January 23). If this contest is not possible due to the rules of this forum or Unity, please tell me.

The thread to post your idea is this: [CONTEST] Win a free Voucher for Gravity Twist Controller - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Regards and happy Christmas.

HI! It work with 2D? Thanks

Hi sirio21, right now it has no 2D mode, but it would easy to modificate, since 2D is easier to deal with. I wanted to add a 2.5D mode camera in an update, but now that you mention, I want to add a full 2D mode too, so anyone can use the mode that need it.


Hi, I just want to show you an example of this asset in a game, I have updated the main post with a video about one level of the game which I created this controller system. Hope you like it.

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Don’t be distracted by too many requests to do the work FOR the customer at such a cheap price.
Your work is exceptional! I started working with Unity back in 2.5 days. Many of us users have
come a long way. I saw your “hand weapon” and was happy to buy your asset.

I found the 5.2.3 Unity works, but when turrets explode that “non convex mesh collider with non kinematic rigidbody” error stops the play mode in the program. I downloaded 4.6.4 today to test it out. Then the latest version of Unity.

When a person asks you to have customized things like “no gui, no powers, make it do this that and the other”
just tell them to LEARN JAVASCRIPT OR CSHARP - all they have to do is block out or delete parts of the code.

I can’t wait to experiment with this kit! Makes me want to invest in the PRO version and make a bigger 3D team.

Peace and Merry Christmas.


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Hi again Tym, thank you very much for you comment. I really appreciate feedback like this. It makes me want to work harder in this asset.

Yes, it seems that the asset has some little issues in Unity 5. I have already fixed the problem with the locked mouse (due to some changes in the code that Unity 5 made), and I am currently working in the version 2.4, which will fix all the issues that people and I noticed, and will bring some new features. I will check that problem with the turrets.

About the customization, yes, you are right, it is not difficult to delete or disable parts of the asset, and I thought the same. But while I was adding more and more features, I realised that a good option would be to have the option to enable or disable every part that anyone would need, and simplify the mode to use it. But don’t worry, this doesn’t take me too much time, I will keep working in adding more and more features and options for this asset for a long time.

Thanks again for your comment and Merry Christmas too.

I thought that was very imaginative. I especially liked the use of space … how the lab was so huge, and with so many different areas. :slight_smile:

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Thank you hopeful, that level was part of my informatics thesis and it was very funny and hard to did it, since I was one team person.

The level could be a little confused, but with the story, it has more sense, being almost the beginning of the game, where the character gets his powers. The next part of the game would be in an open city (similar to infamous), but in that point of the proyect, I had to finish it to submit it in the college.

Fortunately, now I am working in another game with some friends.

Hello! Thanks for making such an interesting looking kit!

Whether this game idea is feasible or not, I am planning to test it out as I have great fun experimenting. I would use the gravity system to have a sort of zero-g style fps where magnetic boots help give unpredictability to the encounters. Will they be on the ground? On the ceiling? Running at you along the wall? Instead of powers, the players would have weapons that offer the same gravity effects, such as a gravity well grenade or a repulsion explosion. I would love to add some form of construction element, similar to Rust though not so thorough, so players can set up makeshift fortifications. The nice part of the theme is, the gravity boots type gimmick could apply to any environment.


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Hi Renokun, that sounds very cool, the construction element adds a good playable element, where every level and fight would be different.
One doubt, your post is to tell people your idea, to participate in the contest or both? Is to add your participation to it.I think that I should make another thread with this contest, due to maybe it is hard to found for other people.


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It possible circumnavigate a box? thanks.

A regular box with 6 faces is not possible right now, the player will fall in his ground direction once he reachs the edge of the cube. However, a smooth box with curves, similar to the square planetoid in the demo of the asset is possible, since the normal is recalculated with a ray.

A box with smooth edges like this can be circumnavigate.
