[Released] Game Kit Controller: Engine with melee, weapons, vehicles, crafting & more! 3.77d

Thanks and yes, the slice system has a field to set any material on the slice polygons. For this video example, I just used a material with a green texture, as I didn’t have a better looking material for the bamboo mesh, so I prefered to use a similar color without a texture haha.

But yes, each sliced surface can have its custom material on the sliced polygons, you can see it on the surface to slice component, there are a few prefabs examples with it, so you can see the material field for it :wink:


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That’s one of the places where I was looking, but it seemed like I would get into a mess not knowing exactly what each thing was for. Like, there’s a whole Mouse and Cursor Controller, with switches like “Activate Cursor On Start,” and just from the UI I can’t tell what it does. It seems like the right path for the naive user, but it isn’t. Then looking into code, with the menuPause and so forth, I don’t want to pause the game or throw it out of state. Then I was wondering, at what points would I have to possibly keep re-enabling the cursor?

I think I just want to always have it enabled, perhaps with the exception of cutscenes.

Wouldn’t it be a better design idea to just have a top level checkbox to hide / not hide the cursor?

If I remember properly, there is no an option to keep the mouse cursor always visible and unlocked, due to most games have it always locked and not visible and only usable on menus, different interaction elements and similar, which is handled on GKC.

RIght now, you can use this code with reference to the pauseMenu component of the Character gameObject:

pauseManager.showOrHideCursor (cursorVisibleValue);
pauseManager.usingDeviceState (cursorVisibleValue);
pauseManager.usingSubMenuState (cursorVisibleValue);
pauseManager.showOrHideMouseCursorController (cursorVisibleValue);

Being cursorVisibleValue a bool value that if true, it will show the cursor and false to hide it again.

You can put it inside a public function and call it with event or input action.

I will add on the todo list to have a main option to allow to leave it always visible, in case any user needs that :wink:

Let me know if you try it and your results, no rush.

I have planned to add an interaction mode with the mouse cursor to press objects to interact on the screen view, similar to what star citizen currently does.



Hi everyone.

All the main tasks complete and I started the demo builds, will continue with it tomorrow, so mostly all files should be ready to send to the store for this small update 3.77d.



Good news, everyone.

The update 3.77d has been sent to the asset store, so just a matter of a few hours to about 1 day to be released there :smile:

Thanks for the patience during this update, most part of the time has been used on doing many general improvements, tweaks and fixes from the previous update based on feedback from users.

In the meantime, here the new demo builds in case anyone wants to try them:

And here the changelog:



Good news, everyone.

The new update 3.77d is live on the asset store (a little reminder to always make backups of your projects before anything else) :grin:

Also, there are new animations added on the examples of the action system and other movements, so I recommend to check the public repository of the asset to get the new animation package (more info on the doc, in the external files section).

Thanks for all the kind words, interest, feedback and support (especially to all the Patreon supporters) while working on this new update, it means a lot for me and really motivates to keep working more in the asset :smile:

Time to resume the work focused on multiplayer online and VR integration along other elements for 3.8.

Also, if you have already GKC any of the 3.77 versions, you should be able to just import the new version in your project, previous backup of your project.

But of course, you can also import all the content and create a new player, which is in most cases, the most recommended way. But VERY IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP EITHER IF YOU OVERWRITE OR IMPORT THE ASSET DIRECTLY :wink:

Here a direct link to the animations package for 3.77d (once imported, remember to close and open the project):



Hi everyone.

Here an example that I configured to call the spawn object every x seconds (3 in this case) to spawn AI on scene in a loop, and which can be stopped easily by event, like a mission complete or trigger enter/exit.

I can make a post for the captures of the settings for this if anyone needs it, though I am going to also make a tutorial for this kind of simple logic configuration.
