[Released] gInputControllers: multi joystick manager

hi all!
I’m pleased to show you my asset: simply is a plugin that let to manage into unity multiple game controllers and manage also a force feedback (if present) of each controller.

this is a video that shows how works the example, a simple list of the controllers attached to the pc and the monitor of the analog axes and digital button state.

before the release I make also an example on how-to configure the controllers for a game movement.

hope it helps!


the asset has been released!
gInputControllers - multi joystick and force feedback manager


Good stuff! Especially nice that it does force feedback with steering wheels.

the asset has been released!
gInputControllers - multi joystick and force feedback manager

Nice tool, but only for Unity 2017.x. Why not for the 5.6.x.? :frowning:

thanks @ZJP
the plugin works also for the old version, 'cause it’s a dll plugin and the code to interact is almost only C#… the ‘unity requirements’ are set up automatically 'cause I used unity 2017.1

Thanks for the reply. :sunglasses:

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@ZJP , now with the latest update it supports Unity 5.5.0 or higher. :wink:

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Good move. Thanks. :sunglasses:

Does not appear to work with 5.6.4p1…

hi @yeo1
I just sent an upgrade to the asset store to fix your issue!

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