Hi, thanks for the update, but for some reason my objects on don’t destroy on load are not getting select. Just to feedback.
I missed your message, sorry for late reply.
Did you remove the asset folder before importing the new version? This is generally the recommended approach on updating assets.
There is also one more issue that Unity sometimes downloads older versions of assets still.
You can verify your version by opening History & Favorites settings window and clicking “About”. Does the version label read 1.2.4?
If you really do have that version installed, then I would need to know a few things:
- When did you add the object to favorites? In or out of play mode?
- How many scenes were loaded when you tried selecting the object?
- What Unity version do you have?
- Would you please also try removing the favorite and adding it again after the update? Does that fix the issue?
- Is the issue fixed when you add the favorite when inside the play mode?
- Does the name of the favorite object change when entering and/or while being in play mode?
- Is the favorite object created only after entering the play mode or is it persistent in the scene?
I’m sorry for the issues, it’s just a complicated scenario, since DontDestroyOnLoad is a scene that is only created after entering the play mode and all scene favorites are actually saved as being in a specific scene. So you add the favorite while it’s in scene A and then try to select it after Unity has placed it automatically in DontDestroyOnLoad scene.
I somehow omitted this case when designing the asset.
Version 1.2.5 is out now!
- Assembly definition added for improved build times (in case you added your own, feel free to remove it now)
- Fixed somewhat rare error on various asset imports
- Fixed word wrapping on some labels
- Always backup your ‘HistoryAndFavoritesUltimate_Profiles~’ folder before updating.