[RELEASED] HQ FPS Weapons (V1.2.1)

HQ FPS Weapons Pack” is at it’s core an ART asset, containing 18 fully animated Weapons and combined with a Procedural Spring System affecting both the Weapon and the Camera.







  • FPS Controller.
  • Health & Stamina System.
  • Simple Inventory System.
  • Procedural Spring System for the Weapons & Camera.
  • Recoil System.
  • Weapon Sounds. (Fire, reloading etc.)
  • Particle Effects. (Muzzle Flash, Smoke, etc.)
  • HUD (Vitals, Crosshairs, Ammo Count, etc.)


  • AKM - (Assault Rifle)
  • F1 - (Assault Rifle)
  • M1A - (Assault Rifle)
  • MP5 - (SMG)
  • Hunting Rifle - (Sniper)
  • R870 - (Shotgun)
  • Double Barrel - (Shotgun)
  • M1911 - (Handgun)
  • Revolver - (Handgun)
  • Crossbow - (Special)
  • Flare Gun - (Special)
  • Fire Axe - (Melee Weapon)
  • Baseball Bat - (Melee Weapon)
  • Combat Knife - (Melee Weapon)
  • Grenade - (Throwable)
  • Molotov - (Throwable)
  • Flashlight - (Tool)
  • Syringe - (Healing Item)

Animated In Software

  • Idle
  • Hold/(Aim Idle)
  • Draw/Equip
  • Holster/Unequip
  • Fire/Shoot
  • Aim Fire / Aim Shoot
  • Reload
  • Reload Start (For Some Weapons)
  • Reload End (For Some Weapons)
  • Empty/Dry Reload
  • Use (Tools & Healing Items)
  • Swing 1 (Melee Weapons)
  • Swing 2 (Melee Weapons)
  • Short Throw (Throwables)
  • Long Throw (Throwables)


  • Walk
  • Weapon Sway
  • Aim
  • Run
  • Crouch
  • Fall Impact


  • Firing Range Map.
  • Weapon Wheel. (For Selecting Weapons)
  • Weapon Pickups. (With Moving Weapon Parts Separated)
  • Destroyable Crate.
  • Item Spawner.
  • Ammunition Pickups.
  • Surface Decals. (Wood, Concrete and Metal)


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Great work, looks amazing

Couple of criticisms that you might appreciate, the AK safety looks like it’s still on and the charging handle isn’t brought back enough to chamber the next round. The revolver hammer should come back when dry firing as it’s a double action and also the 1911 hammer should not be forward as it is a single action only firearm and it looks kinda whack like that.

Hi, I really appreciate your criticism. I’m not anywhere near a gun expert, but I’m always trying to improve, planning on making the guns similar to Escape From Tarkov (models & animation wise). I’ll fix those guns in the next version and I’ll definitely add the ability to change the fire mode, including safety as well.

Wow this pack looks amazing, throw in punching, and a interaction or 2 and this is a full suite! Great work

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I have a much bigger Road Map for this asset and what you said it’s already in there. :slight_smile:

Omg… take my money!!!

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Impressive demo, and much more than an art asset. If you included an integration with Emerald AI this would basically be a complete FPS-maker package. Consider leaning in and marketing it that way.

Thanks, I’m planning on making a “trailer” video in a few days, to show more than just the models & animations. I’ll release that alongside v1.1, not a big update, more of a polishing one, but there is gonna be some important things that we’re left out in the initial release (e.g. fire mode change (semi, auto, burst, safety), reload interruption for the shotgun, pooling system for the surface effects etc.)

P.S. I’ll probably integrate Emerald AI sometime in the future.

integration with emerald AI is… insanely simple.

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I could do playmaker, invector, emerald AI intergrations and probably a few others for a discount . Haha, j/k. Ill buy it in the coming weeks anyways. Gotta support the good devs right

Are the arms seperate? For the flashlight, like can (or in the future) have the ability to use then flashlight, and draw the knife or a pistol? Planning on adding tools at all? Consumptions?

I can give you a voucher code if you can make the integrations, no need to buy it.
The arms are separate objects (e.g. arm.l, arm.r, flashlight). I’m planning on adding food (consumables), like here:


and probably a few other tools. I’m not sure what you mean by “have the ability to use then flashlight, and draw the knife or a pistol”, you mean dual wielding? holding the knife & flashlight at the same time.

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ya, dual wield. but ya, by all means, if you send a voucher, im just heading to bed at the moment haha, but when I get up. I could probably have several if not a dozen integrations done by later tomorrow. then just send them to ya. and you could place em here, or add them into the package or what not.

I think I have pretty much every AI system on the asset store. and things like Knife blood, and a few other decal systems, playmaker, behavior designer ect.

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Just thought id show a little bit of how this pack looks with invector AI. And a few other things.

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Hello everyone, I recently made a discord server to use instead of this forum. You can join here: Discord

These are some really nice models, I was just wondering if your pack was designed to integrate with Ultimate FPS at all or if a user would have to do that manually?

Also, those food animations you posted as an example would be a pretty sweet addition. I haven’t seen a lot of games that actually have nice eating animations. They usually just have the food magically disappear.

Im not with HQ fps, but my understanding with opsives. They have a… layout for logic, triggering animations and such. So, it has setup, tutorials by opsive, but (and i could b wrong). But opsives just needs animations. So there isnt anything, too intergrate, going that root. HQ animations should work fine with opsives fps

Also, opsives, is just a controller, really. Its designed as a modular controller. But still just a controller. HQ fps also. Has a controller built in with its animations.