Isometrium Pro(old name: Isometricum) is a essential kit for those who want to create games with an isiometric or prospective top-down style.
Only isometrium Pro allows you to interact your mouse cursor with NavMesh indicating walkable areas where your characters can walk and where not…
…and will display an icon (2d, 3d or both) on the point where you clicked, which is an object and the terrain.
There are dozens of configuration combinations for the point image and mouse cursor, by the tag, by if an object/area is walkable, by additional scripts on objects…
For example, cursor is full configurable and depend on the type of selected unit/object.
RTS example: if a worker is selected and you move the mouse cursor over a tree, will appear a cursor like “cut/collect.” Otherwise if you have selected an attack unit and move the cursor over the same tree… Full configurable selection Box with an optional “add selection key”…
We are still in a beta version and many features have yet to be implemented.
Soon, I think two or three days.
I want to implement some other features before launching.
Warly will cost little because the features will be few. Many will be added with updates.
Then, with the addition of new features and utilities, will be about 20 dollars.
The cost depends on how big and complex will become the asset.
Is NOT the mouse pointer. Is’the projection of an image over the geometry underlying the mouse pointer.
“It isn’t the ACTUAL mouse pointer. It’s the projection of an image over the geometry underlying the mouse pointer.”
Even in this case you can choose the size, if to rotate the point or if activate the size animation
“Again, you can choose the size, whether to rotate the point and also animating the Scale is possible”
It 'a simple but very powerful feature
“It’s a simple but very powerful feature”
With the “No Static Point Over No Walkable” option, you can choose to not operate the static point over the not walkable areas. Practically , If you want , when you click on a not walked area the action will not be performed
The " No Static Point Over No Walkable" option disables the static point over the “Not Walkable” NavMesh layer.
In practicality this means that clicking on a point in “Not Walkable” area will not perform an action.
I didn’t pedantically fix everything, just things where the meaning was lost (or the punctuation was misleading).
Can you perhaps have an option for a tool tip to appear depending on where mouse cursor is for the terrain type under the cursor (i.e. swamp, road, grass etc…) of course it depends on what you call your textures.
Great idea! I want to add this feature in the next updates.
But these are not going to be easy to understand when mouse is over an area with mixed multiple textures…
I could take the more dominant texture.
For now the tool tip is only on objects.
May be tempted by this but possibly dodgy practice with your ‘reviewers’. Asset only been released a day and already 3 5* reviews all appearing 14 hours ago (as I post this). Checking those reviewers all 3 have only reviewed/rated your assets and nothing else. So seems like those reviews can not be considered genuine. Maybe you asked a few ‘friends’ to ‘review’ the assets or maybe worse case this is sock-puppeting. For now it is enough to put me off buying the asset.
Tortyfoo, it is true, in the first three days i have 12 dowload and someone (only two) are my acquaintances.
But… if you agree I send you (for free) the new v.0.2beta of asset so you can judge for yourself the quality and the potential of the asset
Well I would say it is 3 but I appreciate your offer of allowing me to test it before buying. If you want to send me details via PM will definitely take a look.
I have just purchased this asset, and it looks really interesting. Will you please think about making a tutorial video to cover some of the features - especially how to add a character and configuring him to move around the demo scene?
There are a lot of things I still do.
The movement of the characters was not among them because ia a
specific and “personal” thing, but if you need, I put a basic movement in the asset.
Hi WILEz1975, i purchased the asset already and tought it was really nice, good work. Just some questions:
(I didn’t had too much time test it, so i may ask some stupid questions)
Can i addapt this to work on mobile? (Camera movement, clicking on the ground, etc)
Can the cursor be animated? Like, click - do a animation (with the cursor)