[Released] Level Manager Plus

Level Manager Plus

Level Manager Plus is the advanced version of Level Manager. This version supports alot by purchasers requested features. Level Manager Plus is easy to setup, requires no coding (except you want to add more features) and works with Unity 4.6+. It is written in C#.

So Level Manager Plus is:

a Level Selector which creates Levelbuttons & WorldButtons dynamicly created from prefabs to load your game levels and switch beteeen worlds. It makes use of the new Unity UI Canvas System.
The package contains a DemoScene and 7 Level Scenes for 2 different worlds to test around. World 1 has 2 Levels, World 2 has 5 Levels.

a Level Unlocker which unlocks new levels after saving, so the next level will be unlocked. If a worlds last level has been completed and saved, it will unlock the next worlds first level. If there is none, it will just save the score.
It uses PlayerPrefs to save scores and the next level to be unlocked.

a Level Saver since it provides a dynamic save system for score, and levels to be unlocked.

You are able to choose any kind of layout group in Level Manager Plus. So you can use the Horizontal Layout Group, the Vertical Layout Group and as seen in the screenshot below, the Grid Layout Group.

The package contains a DemoScene and 7 Level Scenes for 2 different worlds. World 1 has 2 Levels, World 2 has 5 Levels.

Video Setup Guide:


★ World Integration (New)
★ Supports Images on Buttons (New)
★ Levelnumbers are set automatically set (New)
★ Worlds and Levels can be named (New)
★ Free Lock & Worldsymbol Grafics (New)
★ The Saver now can use the name of any LevelManager Scene (New)
★ Easy Save Game Delete using a bool. (for debug purposes) (New)
★ Shows the last Worlds LevelSelect Panel after finishing a Level (New)

★ Easy to setup
★ works in 4.6+ (new UI)
★ coded to work in 5.3 (SceneManager)
★ integrated star system
★ integrated dynamic save & load system
★ Free 9-Sliced PSD for Panels and Backgrounds


Price: 10$

Unity Asset Store Link: http://u3d.as/uz2

Have you purchased Level Manager already?
If so, you can upgrade to Level Manager Plus for 5$ in the Unity Asset Store soon**.**


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Level Manager Plus is now in the Unity Asset Store:
__Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

I created a video setup guide for Level Manager Plus, so if you have problems with the written manual you can always go there and watch it. Check the first Post!


The price will soon go up a bit. Make sure you grab it before it does :wink:

Also feel free to check the FAQ on my website for some special level selection possibilitys and extra stuff you can easily add.
