[RELEASED] Local notifications for Mac OS X

Hey everyone!

For those who develop the Mac OS X apps the following our plugin may be of use (Local notifications for Mac OS X):


This plugin allows to show notifications in OS X v 10.8 and later in different situations, such as suggestion to come back into the game after a fixed time or in connection with a certain event.

Note: “OS X Native Alert” works on Mac OS X only. Please, select Mac OS X Standalone target platform by clicking on File → Build Settings.

In OS X warnings are shown in the top right corner of the screen without interruption of the actual operations. In order to proceed to the list of notifications, click the Notification Center icon in the menu bar.

More detailed information about Mac OS X notifications: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5362

Should you have any questions or suggestions concerning the plugin – please, write us about them, we’ll be pleased to answer.

You may be also interested in other plugins for the Mac OS X:
OS X Native Alert

Kind regards, the AppScripting team.

Has anyone tried this? I’m trying to get some kind of alert to the user at specific times in OS X. Forcing the Unity player to Focus/be on top of all other windows would be great, or an alert popup dialog, but I can’t figure out a way to do this.

This plugin would suffice but I tried emailing the developer with a question and hadn’t heard back yet.

ETA: I haven’t bought it yet, just wondering if anyone else has. Still no word from the dev.

Hi, I would like to use this plugin for sending push notifications from web API. Is there any sample/demo/Documentation available for this?