Lordenfel is a modular environment pack designed to build castles, dungeons, ruins and natural areas.
Works for:
Places to explore and fight monsters, like castles, fortresses, dungeons, forsaken places, ruins etc.
Doesn’t work for:
Villages, towns, places where people live.
Q: Can I build a castle that is not ruined?
A: Yes. The pack contains a complete set of non-ruined objects. Ruins are a big part of this pack, but you don’t have to use them at all.
Intended for PC/Console platforms;
Includes Built-In, URP and HDRP versions
Requires Unity 2019.4 and up;
Most textures are 2048x2048;
2 LODs for most meshes;
Please feel free to ask us any questions! Your feedback, requests and comments are very welcome!
Thank you!
Not at the moment, but we are literally working on it right now
Any specific requests, while we are adding stuff? Do you need mostly interior parts, or top-down, or outdoor?
Cool, outdoor ruins and indoor rooms would be great. Bascially what is in the promos is awesome. Some ruins and rooms with matching doorways would be good, so they can be used in DunGen.
Thanks! We’ll do our best! It will probably take a couple of weeks to release the first part though, I hope you’re alright with that. There is a lot of work to be done there.
I have been playing around with both demos using the Built-In version in Unity 2018.4 LTS and everything works perfectly, which is great because I didn’t want to update this project to a later Unity version.
I’ve been trying for years to get something like this, the quality here is amazing, well done! Even the wooden fences look sensational
Just a small suggestion, the wooden doors have small gaps between the wood which causes white flickering when looking at the door from inside looking towards the lighter outside. Any chance of of a version of these doors with no gaps?
Thanks for your interest! I’m afraid it does not combine well with our other packs. We didn’t have the necessary skills when we first started, so we slowly transitioned from a hand-painted style to a realistic one. Lordenfel will work better with other realistic assets and megascans.
So I have stumbled upon video from UE4 showcase of this asset.
Is the difference between unity3d and UE4 so radical ?
I just cannot believe how “flat” is unity3d to UE4.
Now this asset might be actually a good comparison test between those two. It would be nice for someone good with graphics side of unity3d to try make it look like UE4.
I would say the Unreal video looks slightly better than the Unity video but let’s be sure here, both videos look amazing. I think the main difference is the post processing settings, particularly the tone mapping / color grading.
Thank you guys for the interest and kind words!
The reason for such a radical difference is actually pretty simple - lighting is properly baked in UE4 and Unity version is stuck with real time model. We were unable to get baked lighting in Unity - we tried an RTX card, an asset called Bakery and all native lightmappers, of course. We tried to reduce the quality to the ground, but nothing helped.
I’m pretty sure i’ts a temporary situation, the GPU lightmapper is getting improved, Nvidia works on a real time RTX solution - I think we just have to wait and see. We managed to bake a small portion of the demo level and it looked pretty good.
You must be joking UE4 kills Unity3d in this demo and it’s nothing about postprocessing. Those videos that I have linked. When you play them they start some seconds forward, run them and instantly press pause look at the gate with wooden door on the right side of both screens.
Also notice that in UE4 there are some water ponds in the beginning that are completely missing in unity3d version.
It was crashing or something ? You might reconsider reporting it, the situation right now don’t look good for unity3d from marketing standpoint.
I think @camta005 is just being nice to us (which is appreciated)
We are fully aware that UE4 demo looks better. And there is a way to get baked lighting in Unity too, it just takes 2 days to complete in case of this demo. We just can’t ask people to rely on that
It falls back to CPU lightmapper which takes forever to render the scene.
Bought the pack.
Quality is solid. Easy enough to switch over to standard/UBER. I found the LOD’s to be fine too. However, it’d be helpful if the materials would compress down in the low LODs. Ie: The ruin prefabs contain up to 8 materials but don’t lower the material count as it LODs. Visually, you won’t see the textures however you’ll see 8 material calls hit your performance. To go through this by hand will be a pain so hopefully this is something you guys can adjust in an update.
I’m still digging into this pack and happy with the quality so far.
Keep it up!
Ps What is the purpose of the unique materials that are on the brick walls?