[RELEASED] Low Poly Cartoon Forest Pack

We are proud to announce that our first assets pack is available now in Asset Store. Low Poly Cartoon Forest Pack contains many fantastic, cartoon-style forest elements. Below you can find Asset Store link, exact content, video and online demo presenting our package.

Asset Store link

Package Content

- bough
- grass
- mushrooms (4 types)
- roots
- stones (2 types)
- trees (4 types)
- trunk
- water lily
- wood

Textures of all models are on single atlas (there is also normal map included).

Textures for terrain
- grass + normal map (4 types)
- ground + normal map
- rock + normal map
- water

- butterflies (3 types)
- lightbeam


Online demo

Low Poly Forest Pack demo


For more information and support please check our website and forum - http://daqgames.pl
or contact us at: dev@daqgames.pl

If you have any questions or suggestions don’t hesitate to write. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

More assets comming soon :slight_smile:

Wow! It looks very nice. Great texturing!
Will it be developed and updated?

Great pack! Looks PRO! Looking forward for other stuff.

This would be perfect for a top-down phone RPG!

I hope to get more, because when i looked at demo… i just wanted to play it. Please someone make game with this assets!

Looks so beautifull and cute, It’s perfect for cartoon games. Should work very fast on mobile devices. I highly recommend this pack!

I like ground grass texture and the Rocks with the Campfire :slight_smile: Great Work