[RELEASED] Magic Pixelator

Hello all, Magic Pixelator is now available in the asset store.

The Magic Pixelator is a tool to create spritesheets animations from 2D or 3D models. From 2D or 3D skeletal animated character to pixelart spritesheets in just a few seconds. Set the sprite size, the sprites/frames per second and even a color palette if you want. Do you want a pixelart walking animation with more than 30 frames? Now you can do it in just few seconds with the Magic Pixelator tool. It includes an Example Scene where you can see the potential this tool has.


  • Pixelate any character or model. (2D or 3D)
  • Obtain sprite-sheets animations from skeletal animations.
  • Get as many sprites/frames per second as you wish.
  • Use a limited color palette or the original colors.
  • Get sprite sheet animations eves from particles.
  • Save a grat amount of time animating in pixelart.

Current Version: Magic Pixelator | Sprite Management | Unity Asset Store
Documentation: http://www.gamesfortutti.com/magic-pixelator-documentation.html

Thanks for pixelator, enjoying it so far. Any chance of a batch option to render out every sequence in the state machine?