Hey Everyone,
Yesterday I submitted MCS Caves & Overhangs to the Asset Store. Also I submitted new version of MCS which I decided to name version 2, because I think the overlap removal feature is a major feature that as far as I know hasn’t been done before. And it makes things possible that were not easily possible before.
MeshCombineStudio 2
Remove overlapping geometry (in form of free extension)
Automatically disables original colliders if “Add MeshColliders” option in enabled.
Also I will add more major features next week:
- Splitting a mesh into cells, if you have e.g. like one big 32 bit mesh. So instead of cell combining based on objects position it will just add all triangles of the same materials to it’s proper cell, this can lead to better culling. We need this feature for our pre-made arena buildings and terrain which are currently one mesh.
- Optimizing the shadows with being able to combine different materials into 1 mesh with the above mesh splitting feature, as shadow casting only needs 1 shader.
- Leaving original meshes on shadow cast only in the case of point light and spot light shadows. As mesh combining is good for normal drawing and directional light shadows, but it’s not good for point/spot light shadows, which can lead to an explosion in vert / triangle count to draw (because the bigger meshes are not good for point/spot light shadow culling). This is probably the major reason why some report performance drops instead of increasing after combining. I will also go in depth in the documentation about this. With real-time point/spot lights in forward rendering it has the same issue and this cannot be solved with combining. So either all lights would need to be baked or switching to deferred rendering would be needed.
- Improve the GUI a bit.
After that I will start make tutorial videos and update the documentation to go more in detail where combining is good and gotchas to take into account.
P.s. our artist made a new cave arena, think it looks stunning. I exchanged the screenshots on the MCS Caves & Overhangs thread: