This package is currently being updated and improved further!! Old Stage (outdated) Posts underneath are like taking a trip with the time machine, enjoy looking at the bad old graphics!
Haven’t been active for a very long while and beside that I got a nasty virus that threatens my work but I’m back now!
Thought the cave was missing some natural stone so I made a couple of modular cave rocks:
Haha, I wish it was as huge. I’ve been having alot of issues ever since I started. Pc broke down and I was wasting all summer as well as the fact that I got hacked lately but all of it has come to pass and I’m back to working on this.
Put together a scene as to show what you could do with it. It’s not perfect as there are some part misplaced but it doesn’t really matter for now as is mean to showcase the modular assets.Will come back with screenshots soon.
As promised I got screenshots. Finally import it into Unity. It did a excellent job with the rendering. I used Lightmaps with a PBR shader. To bad that scetchfab doesn’t actually support lightmaps so the result was to be desirable.
All that’s left is to make a demo level which will be helpful for people purchasing the pack.
Making one right now.
I might get this baby for submission this month!
I finally finished my big level demo! Looks like I spoke to soon when I said I wanted to send it to the store 5 days ago. Now you can walk with a torch in the catacombs but I doubt that will be included in the final assets since it’s done using the fps controller. I’ll be releasing a video of it son!