[RELEASED] [MUSIC] [FREE DOWNLOAD VOUCHES] Starter & Pro version of 'Cinematic Trailer Themes' Packs

Dear Unity Community,

Update: I adjusted the prices of my packages to 5 (Starter) and 15 (Pro). I think the 25$ was a bit over the edge compared to general pricing here. Also I added an upgrade option for 7.50 $ What do you think? Is this a more justified price setting? I’d be very glad about any thoughts on this topic! :slight_smile:

(all 3 vouche codes are taken)


I’m happy to join this huge community and would like to show you here my very first asset packs I created for the Unity Asset Store:

Starter package: Cinematic Trailer Themes - Starter Pack | Orchestral Music | Unity Asset Store
Pro package: Cinematic Trailer Themes - Pro Pack | Orchestral Music | Unity Asset Store

I added a full SoundCloud preview of all the content for you to get an idea of what the music is sounding like. I decided to go for this project, because there are so many good packages for all kind of genres. But not too many trailer music like packages - especially for other than action themed genres.

Please let me know what you think about this topic or my music! Also since this is my very first asset, I composed and published here, any form of hints, thoughts and critics are welcome! :slight_smile:



Update infos according to the free download vouches codes! Have a look at #1.

Update infos according to the new pricing (-40%)! Have a look at #1.

Hey LyncisAt!

I had a bit struggle in finding the right composition for the trailer of my current game. But this starter pack is meeting all of the requirements i got for my advertisement trailer and i can even use some themes for my level intros as well :slight_smile:

Regarding to your question, i think there is indeed a lack of such high quality composition in engine stores because the competition there is forcing artists to underprice their products. Just like you did here with the -40% drop.

But on the view of an indie developer with hardly budget like me, this is just perfect.

thanks and keep it going!