Offline Render is an easy to use, realtime capture plugin for Unity. It allows you to capture the game view to a multi-channel OpenEXR, multiple PNG files or MP4, supporting not just the final output image, but also some common elements, like depth, per-light shadows, diffuse, AO (if present in scene as an Image Effect) and other G-Buffers.
Offline Render now supports create ObjectID pass, 360 monoscopic rendering and output to MP4 for both offline and realtime capture.
Offline Render allows you to render your Unity scenes and take them into a standard post-production pipeline using your favorite compositing software.
Multi-channel OpenEXR output
16-bit Half-float EXR
HDRP support
Offscreen rendering for higher resolutions
Capture UI
360 mono/stereo all passes render output to PNG/Multi-channel EXR (HDRP)
360 mono/stereo beauty pass render output to PNG/EXR (Standard pipeline)
Output to EXR, PNG or MP4
Realtime capture
Capture multiple cameras simultaneously
10 out of the box render elements (Diffuse, Specular, Emission/Lighting, Reflections, Depth, Velocity, Normals, AO, Motion Vectors, ObjectID)
Forward render supported elements (Beauty, Depth, MotionVector, AO)
Developer API: Create your own custom passes. Documentation, sample code and sample scene included (current)
Added 360 stereo support for HDRP (All passes supported, multi-channel EXR, PNG, 2018+)
Added 360 stereo support for Standard Pipeline (Beauty pass only, EXR and PNG, 2017+)
Support for HDRP
Performance optimizations
Bug fixing
Dropped support for pre Unity 2017.1 versions
Experimental support for ObjectID, with source and shader code included
Added ${frame} tag
Better control for flip/unflip resulting render elements
Reworked render elements shader code
Render element list UI updated to support future features
Render elements are now scriptable objects. In a future update, it will be easier to share element setup between scenes and projects.
Updated UI
New Native plugin for handling conversion
H264 codec options
Handle of some edge cases for some RenderTexture formats
Rare crash to the desktop bug fixed.
Better support for OpenGLCore.
Better forward rendering support.
Minimal support for Post Processing Stack (requires new render elements that we will release later).
Hi Henry, sorry for the inconvinient, but unfortunately there was a bug in the new Asset Store Publisher backend (out of our scope) and the latest version wasn’t made available at the time of launch.
Fortunately this issue has been solved by Unity and it’s now live on the Store. If you prefer create a ticket in our Helpdesk system and we will gladly send you the proper build.
Can this offline renderer capture 5120 x 5120 or 5K 360 Equidistant Stereo videos at 30fps from a static camera that has post processing from the post processing v2 stack? If it does be curious to know how you handle things in stereo rendering like IP Distance, Environment Distance and just typical stereo rendering and quality options before I make a purchase.
Hi @Migueljb ,
Right now we only support monoscopic equidistant 360 images/videos with no render elements. The capture resolution is dependent on the hardware, and we have been able to render at 8k, but only on AMD RadeonPro cards (no Quadro cards for test ). On nvidia gamming cards, things are a bit more weird, some work, others only support 4k (even with 8Gb of graphics memory). Screen space effects can sometimes appear weird on the 360, because of using 6 cameras (even with the RenderCubemap the same thing happens), so Post Processing Stack v2 may need tweaking.
Stereo 360 captures is at the design stage, and we are considering on supporting only the new HD rendering pipeline, but feel free to make some suggestion of what you would like to see. In the new HD pipeline, we may be able to capture render elements also (the ones available on the Pipeline Debugger).
Daniel Santana
Technical Director/ Co-founder @ YCDIVFX / HeadlessStudio
Currently I’ve been capturing 5k stereo 360 environments in unity with the VR Panoramo plugin. In VR you only need a handful of image effects. I only use AO, Bloom and Color Grading in these videos all you can get away with really and even then still have to tweak around since 360 video only likes certain things. Wanted to use your plugin to see if I could get some higher quality 5k 360 stereo videos. Hopefully soon you add that and I can try it out.
- (current)
Added 360 stereo support for HDRP (All passes supported, multi-channel EXR, PNG, 2018+)
Added 360 stereo support for Standard Pipeline (Beauty pass only, EXR and PNG, 2017+)
Hi Miguel, we’ve finally added proper 360 stereo support (and some improvements on mono along the way).
We did tests at 8K res and everything worked fine. Let us know how it worked out for you!
Hello Artur. I tried out the stereo rendering. I was trying out with the demo in the scene you provided. Currently we need 5120x5120 stereo rendering along with using unitys post processing v2. With unity post processing stack I use AO, Bloom and Color Grading. I tried doing that using PNG images for the renders but they came out black. Using 4096 they rendered out but for some reason going to 5k made only black images. The 4k PNG stereo images didn’t come out right either like they were tiling top to bottom like normal but like were at the left and right sides not in the center like they should be.
Also what I noticed to is will there be a quality slider or am I assuming that every render is at max quality based on whatever resolution I render at?
Seems really cool tho once I’m able to render out at 5k pretty easy workflow you have setup here to render out 360 videos.
Currently we only support top/bottom, but we should be able to provide left/right (at cost of some speed). regarding quality, its basically what you see is what you get, so whatever graphics settings you’re using in Unity it will render the same.
Resolution wise, that might be a memory issue (GPU memory) but the best is for you to create a ticket in our Helpdesk system (just copy paste this text you wrote) and we will follow up immediately and will try to help you out solving those issues.