Good Morning Everyone,
We have been working on this technology for a while and we felt that it was best to open source it to get our names out there into the unity3d community.
PlanetServer is much like photon server but more like smartfoxserver if you have used that before.
It is now open source on github and includes a demo unity3d example.
We are looking for other contributors to the project to help make it even better! If you know a thing or two about network programming let us know.
For everyone else out there use this technology to host your own unlimited private servers with no restrictions! The license is MIT so use it how you feel is necessary.
What is PlanetServer?
PlanetServer is a java middleware server technology similar to SmartFoxServer,Photon, or Electroserver
What features does it have?
- Sending Data over TCP socket
- Room Api - Create rooms and send messages to people only in those rooms
- Custom Json Protocol for sending data between Client/Server
- Plugin Support - Write your own extensions to the server
Why would I use this over photon or smartfox?
- The server has a java backend and supports multiple operating systems.
- The server has been tested for windows, mac, and linux
- Its free and open source!
Why did you use java and not just use c#
We used java as the backend because of its abundance of high permanent networking libraries.
It was also much easier for us to target all the platforms we wanted the server to run on like Linux and OSX
If anyone has any questions or would like to chat about whether or not it could work for your project please leave a message!
Thanks for reading