I’m pleased to announce Kompiler’s second published Unity Extension:
PAINT GEOMETRY (Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making)
What is it all about:
Did you ever think about creating geometry or entire scenes just by painting stuff into the editor? Well, this is exactly what PaintGeometry is about. It allows you to use the SceneView to paint with ease on any sort of Collider. This then creates procedural Quad Billboards, complicated Prefab-Arrangements or even simple Transforms as output in moments.
The script takes care of all the hard parts like grouping geometry into re-usable meshes, transforming coordinates, setting parameters, etc. Watch the video tutorial, which explains the entire tool in detail and see how easy and fun it is to create things in a breeze. We start out with simple explanations and end up with a floating island in the viewport.
I tried to create a solid tool for the tech-clueless artist as well as programming experts alike.
PaintGeometry. Taking the pain out of scene creation. =)
Watch the Video Tutorial on YouTube:
–>>> PaintGeometry Overview
In the AssetStore: