[RELEASED] PaintZ - Splatoon like paint system

I had a few customer support requests on how the score system worked.

so I’ll post this example that displays as % (includes code, prefab etc)

I’ll include this in the next update now that 2019.1 has been released to support LWRP
*keep in mind LWRP will require an almost complete recode, so no ETA!
*right now this asset is ONLY built-in render compatible

4452514–408316–ScoreExample.unitypackage (17.2 KB)

Hello, my name is Julian and I am very interested in buying Paintz, but I wanted to make sure that your asset could do what I am hoping it could do before I buy.
In a nutshell, I am hoping to use this asset to create a trail of paint that follows a paintbrush, in the same way that a paintbrush would leave a trail of paint in real life. I would want it to leave a trail of paint on a relatively low-poly surface. Can you attach this asset to an object so that wherever it goes, it leaves a trail of paint, or is is more geared towards creating “paint projectiles”?

Thank you so much for your time and response!

Best Regards,


*I replied to your email, but I will post it here also.

Check the demo, and click “Trails”.


“I would want it to leave a trail of paint on a relatively low-poly surface.”

This is texture based, so it doesn’t care if the model is 10 polys or 10 million polys.
You set a texture resolution per object that can be painted.

*Keep in mind it’s limited to 4 colors per object.

Submitted Free Version to Asset Store (Pending Review):


Asset Store:

Can you please explain how I can get the Pain Only Double-Sided on an invisible object? I don’t have your asset yet, but in your video, I can see painting on an invisible wall, but only single-sided. That’s the only feature I need and I will buy this asset if it can do that.


in the video I just used PaintOnly…if I would have used PaintOnlyDoubleSided it would be what you want.

take a look at the sample scene from another angle which does use it:

very simple to use, just change the material shader of the object you want painted.

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Solved my problem, it was a shader inclusion problem.

Thank you for this great asset!

If I need more colors, how to do?

I get asked this alot…

paint is stored as an 8-bit signed distance field in the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels, so 1 channel per color.
4 colors is a hard limit, all code and shaders would have to be redone.

Hi. Your asset is amazing. Thanks for your job!
But I have a question. Is there any possibility to highlighe last splat? I mean the situation when Im drawing on already painted territory with the same color. I cant see the result of painting at this situation. Is it possible to make a normal texture for every painted spalt?
And also when I set a normal texture for splats then clearPaint via the code, the normal texture doesn`t work anymore. Thanks for help)

I don’t think “highlighting” the last splat how you explain will be possible, they are just painted and normal maps are not changed.

I’ll look into “I set a normal texture for splats then clearPaint via the code, the normal texture doesn`t work anymore”.

Thanks a lot)

If your still having issues, contact me via PM or email…not able to repro

Submitted Version 1.6.1 to store
Requested shader variations (Transparent) and some bug fixes, optimizations.

Any interest with an Obi Fluid integration?

Wow Nice ! Two question: Does it work on LWRP ? And how’s the performance on mobile ?

LWRP - Not yet, but definitely something planned. (no time frame)

Moblie - Runs great, shader is just alittle slower then the standard moblie.

Thanks for the info! I work more on mobile and in that case, I’ll definitely add it to my whishlist. I might buy it when I start polishing my game.

Would be interested in an integration tutorial for Invector 3PS. Probably easy to figure out but I’m sure it would help others also.

I don’t have that asset, but I’ll try to include a prefab in the next update that can be attached to the muzzle and shoot paint.

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Absolutely love the look of this! Was wondering if you had any update on SRP support?