Hey everyone,
I’m excited to introduce my new editor extension, ParrotTester.
ParrotTester is a simple macro recorder that records mouse and keyboard input to your game, and lets you replay that input as many times as you want.
This allows you to find a bug once, fix your code, and then directly and immediately check if the bug is fixed.
- Records up/down events for key and mouse presses, as well as mouse position, which is stored as a percentage of the screen width and height.
- Can record an entire gameplay session, or just a portion of it.
- Macros can be replayed in any project, regardless of which project it was recorded in.
- No coding required! Simple user interface with record and playback buttons
- Full access to the source code
Get It in the Asset Store
Read the Documentation
Currently, mouse macros are a bit limited because I haven’t figured out how to get Unity to recognize the mouse position deltas. So when you replay the macro, even though you can see the mouse moving and Input.mousePosition will update correctly, Input.GetAxis(“Mouse <X/Y>”) will always be zero. I’m working on this for the next update, in addition to scrolling support.
If you’ve got any questions or feedback, or found any bugs, post 'em here, I’ll be glad to help.