[RELEASED] Pixel Exploder 1.0 and [PENDING] Shape Emitter 1.0

Hi Everybody,

We just started releasing some assets we made.

Pixel Exploder explodes an 8-bit style pixel sprite into pixels, making each one a sprite.

Shape Emitter lets you use a variety of 2d shapes in the Unity Shuriken particle system.

Let me know what you all think! We have a few more in the works to release over the next few months.

Pixel Exploder is a very cool asset. A package I nearly instantly purchased before catching myself. Nice work.
What kept me from purchasing right away was the description.

Pixel Exploder is a scripting asset for exploding
Includes Simple Pool for pre-instantiating and pooling pixel sprites for maximum performance
All properties are adjustable in the inspector or you can controller it through code.

As a non-coder (Playmaker user) would I have difficulty using Pixel Exploder? I’m not interested in extending the asset, only using it as intended.

Either way - real nice offering for the community. :wink:

Thank you for the feedback! You don’t need to know any code to use the asset, but I have not tried to use it with Playmaker. I will absolutely test it with Playmaker and make any adjustments needed so that they work together seamlessly. Thanks again!

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Thats cool! Integration isnt necessary BUT is great for the part of the community who uses Playmaker.
Also good for marketing imo.
I’ll go ahead and pick it up and update when Playmaker integration is added.
Thanks for the package!