[RELEASED] Platformer Action-RPG Kit

This Project is “Platformer-Action RPG” will help you create your own Platformer Game with Megaman Style Controller.

You can easy understand and can modify to any style game you want.

You can try demo here:

and you can get this asset here:

This project include

  • Platformer Megaman Style Controller
  • Addition Movement like Dash, Air Dash, Double Jump, and Wall Slide
  • Various types of weapons and attack styles. Ex- Charge Shot, Attack combo, Aerial Attack
  • Save Slot and Load Slot System
  • Status System
  • Skill System
  • Inventory and Item Data
  • Basic Enemy and Boss
  • Shop System
  • Enemy Drop Items
  • Weapon Swap Model
  • Elemental and Abnormal Status System

Save Slot System

The Lite version has been released only 30$ :smile:

you can try demo of this version here:


  • Platformer Controller
  • Addition Movement like Dash , Air Dash , Double Jump , and Wall Slide
  • Various Type of Weapon and Attack Style. ex Charge Shot , Attack Combo , Aerial Attack
  • Basic Enemy and Boss

I saw a sword but could not find out hot to use melee in the demo.
Also would like to have swimming here too.

Hello, There are no sword example in a Lite version’s demo but you can setting your melee combat in the project.

Anyway in the full version’s demo already has all example both of range and melee. And also have the RPG function. :slight_smile:

Do you have any plan to support mobile?

Yes, of course. We have a plan to support mobile in the near future too. :smile:

So when i buy pro i get the mobile support too?
Can i use this easy with ngui?

Do you have a roadmap for future features?
I would like to have some kind of story telling things like books, people to talk to and give quests and such.

Very cool I was waiting for something like this I have a question though could I recreate something like this


Yes, We are planning to do mobile controller in the next version. but about ngui I’m not sure I can add and publish
in my asset or not.

The story telling , talk to npc and quest system may coming in the near future. Also if you have the
Action-RPG Starter Kit you can use the quest system in this asset too. :slight_smile:

Sure, You can recreate this cool game with this asset. :smile:


I want to buy your template, but i have a question first, this scripts and template can adapter to 2D SPRITES, and this working on the last version of UNITY5.

Let me know as soon as posible.