[Released] Point Cloud Viewer Tools

what would you says is the proper way to delete and create a new point cloud, just deleting the object?

yes, you can do that,
or also check example scene “PointCloud-LoadNewCloud” to load new clouds.

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maybe a bug here, if platform is android, only mesh model can use?

Android support is quite limited for those binary or runtime loaders (mesh is recommended),
is that error from runtime loader? (and which unity version)

RuntimeViewerDX11.cs in 700+lines

ok, is that which version from asset store or have you modified that part?

2.9 the lastest

didn’t manage to reproduce yet,
are you using the default sample scene “PointCloud-RuntimeLoader” ?
and just changed path to your own cloud (or have any different settings?)

yes, i try again, And it happened when “UserCommandBuffer” is selected

ok thanks, saw the error now.

for me this code in screenshot fixes the error though:
having mainthread.call(…), instead of calling OnLoadingComplete(…) directly,

Can you email or private message me your editor.log file, so maybe i can see more info how it happens.
(or screenshot the full log item, when you select the error line in console, show the bottom part also, where it shows what script it is and line numbers from calls)

I want to display transparent 3D models in front of point clouds in the v3(pcroot) version. In v2, this was achieved using command buffers. Is there an alternative method in v3?

Using URP should be easiest way out, need to add custom pass and do these changes
https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityPointCloudViewer/issues/126 (scroll down for the 2020.3.x version, not the 2019.4)

VR+URP with 2 transparent objects: (tested in 2022.3.7f1 + URP 14.0.8)

Update for the standalone converter:

  • around 2x faster conversion
  • upgraded project to dotnet 8.0

in pre-release 74 and upwards:

In pre-release 80 and newer, has multithreading for (pcroot/v3) conversion!
up to 15x speed improvements for batch conversion,
but uses more memory (since multiple files are converted at once)

Some new webgl tests:

Sending float arrays (XYZ and RGB)
From regular javascript into webgl viewer and using meshes to render that data:
(idea here would to allow sending custom point cloud data from your js)


  • load .GLB (GLTF) point cloud file
  • can select points
  • can adjust point size

(idea here is to test if gltf files could be used for webgl V3 tiles)

30 Million Points in the viewer at 144fps, nice. (After 68 Million points, the window crashed).

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interesting, firefox failed after ~40m already.

This one uses full floats for XYZ+RGB, so with packed format or lower precision, it should allow more.