[RELEASED] Prefab Fixer

Prefab Fixer is a simple and easy to use extension that helps you quickly fix broken prefabs that are throwing errors in your scene.

Asset Store:


Quickstart Tutorial

If you’ve ever worked with prefabs before, you know they can be broken if you decide to move around or remove objects held on those prefabs. In other instances directly placing a model in the scene creates a prefab and links back to the model, instead of a prefab reference.

Another common issue is downgrading prefabs, which in fact usually breaks all connected components and nested prefabs, something that forces users to use a specific unity version or spend hours manually re-setting up the prefabs.

And while these are just a few ways prefabs are utilized, in every instance, a prefab can in fact become broken with enough messing around with a project.

Prefab Fixer gives you 3 ways of fixing your prefabs, by Fixing, Reverting or Re-connecting them, allowing the prefabs to update based on the option you choose.


  • 3 Editing Modes (Fix, Revert & Reconnect)
  • 2 Selection Modes (Manual & Object Select)
  • 3 Save Modes (Source, Scene & Custom)
  • Local information notifications (editor window)
  • Easy to use system
  • Custom editor window for easy use
  • Easy to debug

What you get:

  • 1 Main Script (2 Version - Unity 5 & Unity 2018)
  • 1 Helper Script (PF Importer)
  • Documentation

A new version of Prefab Fixer has been released, here is the changelog:


  • Updated Editor UI (i.e PrefabFixer)
  • Updated Documentation
  • Updated Welcome Screen (i.e Docs & Assets)
  • Updated Support & Docs (i.e Docs)
  • Updated Changelog