@Gus3D @Too-Nerd-To-Die @jeffweber - Hang on tight! Perspective cameras support is coming! Don’t mind the weirdness on the background images.
@Gus3D @Too-Nerd-To-Die @jeffweber - Hang on tight! Perspective cameras support is coming! Don’t mind the weirdness on the background images.
Looks good! Played around with it a bit. I love how streamlined everything is. Seriously, if anyone is reading this and still on the fence. Go get it!
Might need to set transparencySortMode to orthographic for those mountains.
Great Job ! I agree with the other comments; price is a little too high (at least for launch) and missing the ‘pixel perfect’ mode … If you build that; i’m definitely buying it
Perspective cameras support is really coming along. Should be able to submit early next week!
Looking good!
Congrats on the front page feature on the Asset Store! Hope that drives up sales.
Wow congrats on being featured! I know it is well deserved!
Hi! This is the 2d camera solution I have been waiting for! However I am not able to use it because somehow the plugin is causing conflict with dotween playmaker actions.
You can find dotween and playmaker action here:
I hope this could be solved soon so I can use both excellent plugins together!
@vamky I downloaded DoTween and the linked custom PlayMaker actions and I am indeed getting a bunch of errors. However, they are not related to ProCamera2D. To confirm that you can delete the “PlayMakerActions” folder from the ProCamera2D package and you’ll see the errors still occur.
Let me know if this is the case for you or if I’m missing something.
Support for perspective cameras is ready to go! Take a look here:
Notice you can switch between camera modes with the bottom-right corner button.
One thing I noticed in the demos, is for the Multiple Targets example, if the other target is off-screen and jumping, the players screen still bounces, which to me feels a bit wonky to see. How about an optional way that if the target gets off screen, the camera bounces back to the player? (until the target is back within the maximum range again)
Edit: PS, Perspective camera support looks great!
@Async0x42 I understand what you’re saying. For that specific situation that’s where the adjustment of a target’s horizontal and vertical influence would come into place (you can test those parameters on the demo). But I have to leave those implementation details to the developer responsibility to make sure ProCamera2D is as flexible as possible.
For example, on your game you might want to adjust a target influence based on his distance to the main character, but someone else might want to adjust the influence based on the distance to a specific object on the game.
Hope it makes sense. If you ever need some directions on how to achieve a specific behaviour let me know.
Makes total sense, now that you’ve spelled out a couple examples for me!
Do you have a timeframe for when you think you might be finished the top-down shooter demo?
I’ve been busy with v1.1 and v1.2 and I already have a couple of requests for v1.3, so the top-down shooter demo is currently not my top priority. Anything specific you’d like to see on that demo?
The platformer demo was really well done so I was mostly interested in seeing how you’d apply it to a top-down. I’m working on a top-down rpg as a side-project, so it would be interesting to see!
Since that’ll be a ways off, does the boundaries trigger work on the Y axis (in addition to X) out of the box? I’m thinking along the lines of the camera in Zelda for the NES. That’s one thing I can think of for a top-down demo.
Yes, all features work exactly the same on all axes (XY, XZ and YZ). All you have to do is to rotate the camera accordingly and choose the correct axis on the ProCamera2D editor. See this: ProCamera2D - User-Guide
Yes sorry, I saw the axis selection before, but for a top-down camera like Zelda I meant the placing the boundry trigger on the Y axis in addition to the X axis. The demo displays is as placed on the X axis, shifting screens left and right. I was wondering if it could shift Up/Down as well as Left/Right
(As an example, a Zelda gameplay video around 0:35s into the video)
Hello guys, this is the first test with ProCamera2D in a game im working on, the integration was super easy, the plugin is extremely efficient and well optimized.
I just thought the camera zoom in perspective a little inaccurate, actually found it a little confusing to obtain a desired value when you want to zoom to a certain number considering the scenario that is building, but nothing that Luis can not improve. .
I’m using the Z transform camera in - 20 and 30 in the FOV.
Looks really great! Hopefully some other users will demo what they’ve used it for, nice to see actual gameplay using it.
Hi! Thanks for looking into the matter.
With help from our programmer, I think I have located the issue:
The EnumUpdateType.cs in your plugin does not contain a namespace specification, so it will override dotween scripts’ updatetype reference even when they have their own namespace specification. And it will interfere with any script trying to reference updatetype. Hope this helps!
Yes, you can definitely do that! In the demo, you can see that we animate the bottom boundary when the player jumps into the platforms.
So, yeah you can combine the boundaries triggers to achieve any kind of effect you can think of, including “vertical door” effects.