Some of you may already be familiar with Projector Simulator (PS), an asset which allows you to have realistic image/video projectors in your Unity project. As it happens, PS started being used for designing and visualising real-world projection systems, and I got several requests for features specific to design work that were outside the scope of PS as the intended audience (game developers) would not need such features.
This is where Projector Simulator Pro (PSP) comes in. PSP is based on the same underlying code as PS, but has many features tailored to working with real-world projection design. As I work in projection design myself, I know what tools can come in useful and what features are missing from other projection design software.
If you work with projectors then you might want to check out the store page here!
Tool to create projector definitions, including chassis size and lens characteristics (zoom, shift, protrusion etc)
Procedural screen geometry, or import your own
Analysis mode to analyse expected image quality (resolution/luminance) from given eyepoint, results in heatmap on screen geometry (with ability to measure individual screen points)
Equirectangular or aitoff rendering from eyepoint position (analysis mode or not)
Projection Mapping and CAVE simulation
Cable-routing tools
Report generation
Design Wizard for rapid design of flat and cylindrical screens
Orthographic rendering with 1m grid overlay
Optical tracking volume analysis
Export to SKP format
Shader-based implementation, allowing the smooth editing of multiple projectors simultaneously
Create projector groups using Unity’s heirarchy. Edit whole groups by selecting the parent.
Sorry for neglecting the thread, HDRP is now supported!
The Projection Mapping feature allows some warping simulation if you can map your projected content onto the screen model as an emissive texture (example included in the asset package). It would be nice to add some manual warping and automatic blending which I will investigate. I know some users have used this asset in combination with PSP to drive real projection systems.
Hi. Really impressive software. I was interested in modelling a projection mapping installation for a small mountain. Its approx 120m by 80m. Would your software be suitable for such a task? I also noticed you had a projector profile file for the Digital projection Titan projector in your overview video. Is this something you have in a built in library?
Hi! This looks like a cool asset. One question. Is it possible to extract an equirectangular image from a mapped sphere? This way we can use this image as a template for our mapping.
hey there when I want to select video as an image to project it wont show up in the list it shows only 2d images. Also the documentation is so outdates and still with the old UI could u please update that
Hi, yes I think this should be possible, just place an eyepoint in the centre of the sphere and render an equirectangular image with it via the Projection Design Tools window.
I think I responded to your Youtube comment but in case you didn’t see it, there are instructions on projecting a video on page 24 of the manual.
I’ve now got email notifications turned on for this thread so hopefully will be quicker to respond in future.
Hi, when running the cave demo in Pro version, the camera far clipping plane is set to be 100. I think it is due to the fact the cave script is setting the the camera projection matrix. How could I change the far clipping plane to be 1000?
You are correct that it looks like the script is setting the far plane to 100, but I found that changing the far plane in the template camera prefab seems to work.
So it seems like the far plane in the projection matrix is ignored when assigning it to a camera. It’s been a while since I wrote that code, but maybe this is just how Unity handles it and it doesn’t override the camera’s original clipping planes.
Hi thanks man, Yes I know to change the clipping planes of camera prefab, but…it is not working.
In ProjectorSimProVirtualCAVE.cs, the
cameras*.projectionMatrix = Utils.Misc.ProjectionMatrixFromAngles(left, right, up, down, 0.05f);* function is setting the projectionMatrix of the camera and seems to set the near clipping planes to be 0.05f. But I dont know how to add a paramater to set the far clipping planes to be something like 1000.
Odd that it behaves differently for me. Can you tell me which Unity version you’re using, and whether you’re using HDRP?
Can you confirm the far plane does change when you change the hard coded 100 value?
I’m on mobile atm but will try to send an updated script later today that includes a parameter for the far plane. If it works I’ll include it in the next update.
@kentoywong I just sent you a message with some updated scripts attached. Please try overwriting the ones in your PSP/Scripts folder with them and let me know if that fixes the far plane issue.
Example scene #3 demonstrates CAVE functionality with the CAVE screen shape and the VirtualCAVE script. You can change the dimensions of the screen in the Unity Editor via the Projection Design Tools window. VirtualCAVE assumes each face has a single projector mapped perfectly onto it (for this reason the smaller faces e.g. sides probably need the projector to be set to a non-native aspect ratio).
Example scene #4 demonstrates using the Projection Mapping functionality with VirtualCAVE functionality, which allows any projector layout to be used so you are no longer restricted to 1 projector per CAVE face. More detailed explanation of this setup here. This means you can have any CAVE dimensions with any number of projectors.
Dear staff, I am a student, I just use our plug-in, and now I want to project the video through the projection, but after reading the 24 pages of the operation manual, I feel that there are very few things written, and I still do not understand how to operate after reading. Could you do a tutorial on projected videos on YouTube or somewhere else? Thank you again, wish you work well!