What is ProTips?
ProTips is a tooltip solution for Unity built on the new UGUI system introduced in Unity 4.6. ProTips supports both desktop/PC mouse hover events as well as press-and-hold events for touch devices. Tooltips can also be triggered from remote events such as button clicks or code, which is useful for making in-game interactive tutorials.
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With ProTips, you can create your own tooltip styles visually using the Unity Canvas and the templates provided in our package. We provide step-by-step documentation to get you started.
1.Does it support playmaker ?
2.Does it support scroll if the text is long
3.Can you add a button on the popup so if you move your mouse over the popup it display then move the mouse on the popup to review a second popup or have a button on that can be click
Thanks for the questions, I’ll try to answer them as best I can.
1. Does it support playmaker? PlayMaker actions are not currently included, but I could possibly create some if I knew the expected behavior of the actions. The way ProTips works is you simply drag the TooltipTrigger script onto whatever you want to trigger a tooltip popup. That’s it for a normal tooltip. So, what kind of PlayMakers action are you looking for, in a scenario like that?
2. Does it support scroll if the text is long? Since the tooltips use the Canvas UI system, and that system supports scrolling overflow, then yes, you could make a tooltip that has long text with a scrollbar. Such a tooltip is not currently included with ProTips, but if you’re interested, I could create one that does that and add it to the demo scene as an example and starting template.
3. Can you add a button on the popup so if you move your mouse over the popup it display then move the mouse on the popup to review a second popup or have a button on that can be click? Not sure I fully understand this question, but are you asking if you can have a tooltip within a tooltip? If so, then yes, I believe you could. Again, such a tooltip isn’t currently included with ProTips, but I could probably put together an example and add it to the package if there’s interest. There are two ways this could be done: A) The no-code method of adding a child tooltip trigger to an element on the parent tooltip. You would need to make sure the child tooltip uses a different template than the parent. B) The code method of dynamically adding a tooltip child to the tooltip parent at runtime.
Playmaker action examples sorry my english is not good
1.You can use playmaker to get data from like assets like simplesql and game data editor reason for this is to use different languages, so you can display tooltips from database.
2. All the settings can be set delay, fade where to popup depend where object example you create and object with playmaker FSM the game object is in the left top corner the you can tell the popup in playmaker bottomR
3.Can use playmaker to create conversation between two characters with the speech like popups but the popup need to be able to have choice for answer example First Character : How do you do ? Second Character : Well and you or nothing if you select well and you next character can respond
4.The asset will be perfect for game tutorials how to play the game popup get called by playmaker when the player click button on popup the next popup appear or popup appear and objective is complete the next popup display.
How my english is readable sorry about it :-/
I still did not buy your product but will when your money is a bit stronger I stay is South Africa and our currency very weak so $20 for me is a bit must now , but the price if perfect for the asset it is very cool. Playmaker will be a good add-on for you asset
I spent a couple hours trying to get PlayMaker to work with ProTips, but I ran into issues getting PlayMaker to work with the new Unity 4.6 GUI. It seems PlayMaker is in a transition phase as far as UGUI support, they are adding actions to their Unity 5 package but at present it’s a bit complicated to get it all working:
(Question: New Unity GUI actions (4.6 and 5.X))
The process involved installing an Ecosystem Browser package, plus a UGUI Proxy events package along with a UGUI Proxy Actions package for those events, and once I did that and put a PlayMaker UGUI Pointer Events Proxy on my tooltip trigger element, it still complained that events were missing, even though my FSM on the container object had events. So I assume it’s looking for some specific pointer events that I don’t have and don’t know where to find.
The process of getting PlayMaker to work with UGUI will probably be easier and make more sense once their team has integrated the UGUI events and actions into their Unity 5 package. At that time I may take another look at it, but until then ProTips won’t include PlayMaker support.
Just checked out the demo, looks really nice, added to my wishlist. Just to confirm, the tooltips work during the game don’t they? If I were to move my character using the arrow keys, I could still use the position the mouse over a moving object and the tooltips would appear? And it could be used with Ice Creature Control, to show the stats of the creature (health, hunger, etc)? Also, if there was a static object, like a tree, and the tooltip showed information about the tree, could this tooltip then be turned off so it wouldn’t show up again? Thanks
Hi jonfinlay,
I’m not sure what you mean by “during the game”. The tooltips do work at runtime, though. And yes, they will work on 3D objects such as creatures controlled by automated AI (like the Ice Creature Control asset). The creatures just need to have some type of collider on them so the TooltipTrigger script can add the proper OnPointerEnter and OnPointerExit commands to it.
Currently, ProTips doesn’t have a “show only once” feature, but that’s an excellent idea. I’m accumulating feature ideas for the next update, and I’ll add that one to the list. I’m thinking such a tooltip would need to store the “already been seen” flag in PlayerPrefs, so even if the player stops the game and restarts it later, they still won’t see the tooltip again. Does that sound like what you’re envisioning?
Yeah exactly that, many games have a “do not show again” tickbox, especially for tutorials. By during the game I meant not a static inventory screen, but while the game is playing, in 3D view using a 3d Camera, with stats like health updating in real time, but given your answer I assume this is possible.
The developers of ICE Creature Control have created an adapter for ProTips that allows you to add dynamic tooltips to creatures in your game. The adapter includes a customized editor for ICE that handles placing of the tooltip, allows you to select which fields you want to see in the tooltip and how they are formatted, and even lets you choose whether you want the tooltip to trigger on hover or on click.
They have even included a demo scene where you can click on kittens (or even the knight avatar), and it pauses their movement and gives you their customized popup information in a ProTips tooltip. Check out the demo here:
i but this asset and i am not able to use it. It seems very simple i read quick start but when i add trigger to a button tooltip display %bodytext% in tooltip and not the string i put in editor. i try even your premade scenes but i have the same problem. i fell very stupid perhaps it is my fault, i am a unity newbie , may you help me???
Are you importing into an existing project? There may be some code in your existing project that is interfering. Start with making a new project and testing the demo scene there.
Are there any error messages in the console? There is a lot of debugging information added to the tool that may give us a clue about where the error lies.
His problem potentially could be that ProTips only works with scaled time. If you have the game paused (as many games do when in menu mode) the tooltip timers don’t work. Showing tooltips with scaled time is kinda pointless.
That’s an easy fix using Time.unscaledDeltaTime instead of deltaTime. Also need to change this line:
Graphics*.CrossFadeAlpha(1f, fadeDuration, true);* However, it doesn’t show up yet, doing some more testing.
We’ve submitted ProTips version 1.1 to the asset store. This version contains several big fixes to address issues with Screen Space Camera mode tooltips not showing up in the right places, the timescale issue duplexius mentioned above, as well as adding a new feature - attaching tooltips to 3D world space objects.
ProTips 1.1 changelog: Fixed: Tooltips not appearing in the right place when Canvas render mode set to Screen Space - Camera. Fixed: Tooltips are no longer affected by changes in Time.timeScale. New Feature: Tooltips can now be attached to 3D world objects. Misc: GUI Camera can now be specified on the TooltipManager. If not specified, Main.camera is used. This gives you more control when using multiple cameras for your scene.
Please help I have canvas everything got ui button on the sceen the popup work on the button. 3d object tooltips don’t work please give some tutorial or something how to do tooltips on 3d world objects
Just bought this package and it looks awesome. Quick question though. I am trying to integrate it into an existing Unity application. Specifically, I have a top status bar with a bunch of icons and labels in it. I’d like to trigger a tooltip when the player hovers over either the icon or the label (don’t care which). Unfortunately, I don’t think I can get a GameObject reference to them as GUI.Label and GUI.DrawTexture return void.
Any ideas on how I might be able to pull this off? Thanks in advance!
I’ve been working on a way to do this today, and I think I’m getting close to a solution. The solution I’m attempting is to add a canvas to the scene on a separate camera, and have that camera rendered on top of the OnGUI elements. From there, you can add invisible RectTransforms as tooltip triggers and still use the underlying OnGUI buttons and whatnot.
It’s a bit hacky, but I think it would get you what you need - you wouldn’t have to convert your existing OnGUI UI, and you would still get the benefit of adding tooltips visually by using the Canvas with ProTips.
I need more time to work out the kinks in my proposed solution and make a video of the process, but just wanted to post an update so you didn’t think we were ignoring your question.