[Released] Race Online Example

A simple example of Race Online:

  • network synchronization of the start of the race by timer
  • synchronization of the traversed path in meters between players
  • synchronization of the machine - inclination of the machine body, position and rotation of the wheels
  • example of a track with two circles

PC build - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzmrMMw2JROCdUlQTzJJWWRjb3c
Link to asset store - Race Online Example | Packs | Unity Asset Store

Does this work on all platform?

tested only on PC.
Sorry, there is no mobile management in this package

I’m impressed by how smoooth the other cars sync.

I remember you from the photon forum you helped me with my tanks game. I’ve to re-enable networking for my updated tank game I’m gettin 3 of your assets to get the game to run smooth :smile:

Great work!!