It looks cool! I am new to AssetBundles. Will the game download a package once or every time please?
What I want to do is, the game will download all required AssetBundles at the beginning of game and cached it until new version found. Is that possible please?
RemotePackageManger will download it only once. After you call the “Load” funcion for the first time, it will cache it so even if you call it again, it will take the cached version!
Hope this helped!
Also, the asset is 50% off on the Asset Store right now!
It says that the Web Player cache is about 50 mb for Asset Bundles. It doesn’t say much about file size limit, though. So I suppose there’s no constraint.
You can also find it under “Assets/RemotePackageManager/Documentation/Changelog.txt”
Fixed old version migration not working.
Caching improvements.
Other small bug fixes.
Now it’s possible to build for multiple platforms at once! (You may have to rebuild your assetbundles)
New tutorial videos!
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added old version migration system so it’s easy to upgrade an old project.
Updating documentation.
Moved “AssetBundles” folder to inside “RemotePackageManager” folder.
New UI
New remote package dependency management
Improved user workflow
“version.txt” was substituted by “<package_name>-settings.asset” for better control over
how each package is built.
Also, it is no longer necessary to keep package assets inside the “AssetBundles”
special folder. They’re now linked through each package settings asset.
Fixed the crazy exception when FTP uploading.
Fixed some issues with the “version.txt” caching.
Fixed some dumb issue with the RemotePackage that would not instantiate the remote prefab!
The outdated packages take into account the asset dependencies.
PackageSelector cannot be an empty string anymore.
Added a changelog! ;D
I’m currently porting a game from 3.5 Pro to 4.5 Pro. The game uses roughly 100 asset bundles, and I found out in the porting process that the bundles will all need to be rebuilt for the new version of the game. That’s fine, but from what I’ve read I will also have to continue updating them each time I make changes to the code, even tiny changes, which during development is going to be a major pain.
Will this asset help with that? Will it prevent me from having to keep rebuilding asset bundles every time I make a small change in the code, even while just trying to test? I just want to be sure that it’s what I need before I buy it.
So, this asset will help you (among other things) in building and testing your game. While inside Unity, you’re able to simply hit play and test the game already without having to build any asset bundle.
When it comes to deploy the game, you’ll have to build every asset bundle at least once. However, you only actually have to rebuild an asset bundle when you make changes on some of it’s dependecies. For instance: if you build an asset bundle “A” containing just a texture and then make some script changes, since the texture wasn’t modified, you won’t need to rebuild the asset bundle “A”.
Also, please note that if you start to use RemotePackageManager in your 100 asset bundles game you’ll have to setup 100 asset bundles once. Not that it is difficult but more of a tedious work. You can also setup them programmatically with the help of some custom script in which I can help you with, tho.
Hope it clarifies a bit how it works. If you have any further questions, I’ll be happy to reply them!
I’ve just starting looking for ways to build asset bundles in the cloud. I would like to build assetbundles from a project in batch mode on an EC2 instance on Amazon Web Services with Unity3D 5.
I saw that your plugin provides functionality for building assetbundles depending on the project hierarchy and upload them to S3. This sounds great.
Well, never tried it! However, if I’m not mistaken, it would be needed a static method as an entry point. Just so that method would call the Asset’s build process.
I’ll take a look at the code to see if there’s an easy way to do that. If not, I can make some changes to support that. It should be straightforward I suppose!
Still not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but this should enable you to rebuild all of your assetbundles (just as when you click “Rebuild All” from the editor) from command line.
At the time, it has no Unity 5 support (although it may work, we have not fully tested it). So, we kindly ask for your patience until we publish a new version Unity 5 compatible!
I know there is not support for unity 5 but I got this error, how could I solve
UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAll()’ is obsolete: `Method LoadAll has been deprecated. Script updater cannot update it as the loading behaviour has changed. Please use LoadAllAssets instead and check the documentation for details.’
Edit: I replace LoadAll for LoadAllAssets and the error fly away, but I have a new error and I think i would be more after this…: Cannot convert type System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,string>' to System.Collections.DictionaryEntry’