[RELEASED] Retro Look Pro - post-processing effects pack.

Hi! I followed all the steps in the setup doc (imported URP, set all the renderer features in the renderer, I even tried with the RLPro_ForwardRenderer that comes out of the box, but none of the effects work. What could I be missing?

Sadly, I am facing the same issue. Could you please share with me if you did anything to fix it? Otherwise, I guess I have to get a refund for this.

Unfortunately I didn’t and the developer isn’t even responding to my emails, such a shame because the asset is very promising.

Thank you. They didn’t reply to me either. I found I could make it work in both Built-in and HDRP with the instructions and separate packages. But no matter how many times I tried to follow the Readme, it couldn’t work in my URP projects. :frowning:

So the asset is broken and the developer hasn’t even replied in months? Yet the asset is on sale right now. Seems like I just saved some money.


Sometimes emails can accidentally end up in spam folder. If you have a question please mail me second time, I will definitely respond.

Asset is fully working and instructions for exact package are not in ReadMe file. Instruction for each Render Pipelines can be found in “Documentation” file.


Retro Look Pro v3 released


  • Unity 6000 support
  • New effect Noise2
  • New effect Oldfilm2
  • Effects auto setup for URP added
  • Fixed URP/HDRP global weight parameter
  • Fixed URP bloom issue

Please notice that it is a paid upgrade.
If you purchased Retro Look Pro less than a year ago, you can upgrade for free.

New effects:

  • Noise 2

  • Oldfilm2

5 new example presets


  • Also you can find video tutorials HERE


Hey guys, at first awesome work, I test in Built in and it worked nice, but in URP i got like 56 errors when import URP package.
I tried every thing and in URP this always happen.
I’m using newest version of unity.

Error example:
<Shader not found.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
LowRes_RLPRO/LowRes_RLPROPass:.ctor (UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.RenderPassEvent) (at Assets/LimitlessUnityDevelopment/Retro Look Pro URP/Scripts/Runtime/LowRes_RLPRO.cs:46)
LowRes_RLPRO:Create () (at Assets/LimitlessUnityDevelopment/Retro Look Pro URP/Scripts/Runtime/LowRes_RLPRO.cs:14)
UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.ScriptableRendererFeature:OnValidate () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@14.0.11/Runtime/ScriptableRendererFeature.cs:53)>

Hi I emailed you back in August, no response. Jitter effect is not working in build but works in Editor even after updating to v3. I already added it to the renderer features, and ran the automated set up. I am using URP. Some other effects are working just not this. I tried a few different combination just won’t work.