[RELEASED] Rocket Jump Procedural Level Project


Just got my new project published in the asset store!! YAY!, I want to see if you could give me feedback and suggestions.

You can check the package store page and additional description here:

Incomming Update Video:

Incomming new features:

  • Unity Ads.
  • Reorderable lists to customize the Shop.
  • Easier shop customization, now you just manage one list.
  • Easier ship customization values.
  • Level Obstacle creator variables parametrized and exposed to allow you customize it almost all elements.
  • Easier to understand and commented code.
  • More docs & Wiki that will be featuring additional videos & tutorials.

Or you can play it here:

Here’s last 1.1.3 Setup Guide in video so you can check from clean install:

I’m working on the first update that will include support for the IAP and social features using Stan’s Assets (Android Native). I didn’t included them from the begining because I didn’t want to force people to buy the assets but as requested by people that already bought the pack I’ll add it as an optional deletable feature.

Added Support for the IAP using the Stan Assets pack. Now you can use the IAP, and social features in the game. I hope you guys like it. :slight_smile:

Hey Everybody. Our New Game Rocket Jump is on Play Store Now. It will come to App Store soon.
Here’s the link for Our game. Hope You will Enjoy it.


Nice! good Luck with it!! :smile: let me know any big news! :slight_smile:

Hows the unity gui coming along?

Will be finished this week or the next and then submitted. :slight_smile: I’ve already ported several things but I couldn’t work on it in easter holidays and right now I’m full of work load. But make sure it will be ready soon (I even lost the highlight in unity store so be sure I’m doing it as fast as I can).

Any luck with the Unity GUI ?


Ok guys!! finally submitted to Asset Store today! Will be available as soon as the Unity people approves it.

  • Full UnityUI support.
  • Remove NGUI requirement.
  • Reworked completelly the shop, so now is more “social”.
  • Refactored some classes.
  • There is a legacy folder for NGUI users. but I’ll no longer support NGUI.

Treat your eyes with the final screenshots of the pack.

The new pack is available in the store to download! :wink:

Assets/JumpRocket/IAPContent/RB_Utils/Scripts/IAP/RBIAPManager.cs(3,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `UnionAssets’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

How do I fix this error?

First of all thanks very much for your purchase! it really helps,

Regarding your question, there is a document under Docs called IAP it explains how to remove IAP from the game. As this is caused because of the IAP enabled by default.

If you own UnionAssets Android Native plugin you can remove this error by importing it into the project.

One last thing, how can I drop the money at the beginning?
I don’t find the line that make me take the 10000 to zero, if you could help me, I’il be very grateful

Hello, check attatched image, it shows where to change it.

Hi! Just bought the template. :smile:
And I have the same error you reffer “about UnionAssets Android Native plugin you can remove this error by importing it into the project.”
Assets/IAPContent/RB_Utils/Scripts/IAP/RBIAPManager.cs(3,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `UnionAssets’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
I tried importing this one, Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
but the error is apearing anyway. :confused:

Hi! first of all thanks a lot for your purchase!

Regarding the IAP error, it should be gone by just importing into the project the asset.

Also remember to switch the project to “Android” as the IAP will not be available in PC mode.

Tell me if this is the issue.

No, sry. I change it to mobile.

I Installed The Android Plug and everything works just fine!

how add Unity Ads. Ex: when user click view video button,game will give 300 coin.

That’s one of the upgrades I’m doing will be ready soon.