as a Rpg-Maker Pro, i’ve some Questions 
How many Layers are possible?
You can add as many layers as you want and set an sprite depth to them. But the current map tiles are placed in 3 layers:
- Ground layer: for tiles with no alpha
- Ground Overlay: for tiles with alpha
- Overlay: for tiles over player and other tiles
I found this configuration optimal for creating a map easily without complications about create and manage extra layers. But in the future I will take into account including a layer manager for more complex maps.
Support for Shaders? (bumpmapping, fxaa?)
Tiles are not shaders friendly, as they have to tile with neighbors and that is not possible using other filtering mode than Point. But if I found something that works I will include it.
How’s collision working?
Collisions works really fast, as using the world position it’s easy to check the tile type and them if the position is inside a collision area. It’s faster than using Box2D and you can see it works fine with the player character in the demo. But probably I will include also in the future an option to generate a collision mesh. But using the current collision system it’s easy to create huge worlds without performance issues.
About the types of collisions there are 3 types:
Block collisions for a full collision tile.
Wall collision, for a collisions with edges tiles, only working with autotileables tiles, like water.
And Fence collision, special for fences. Just adapting the collision to the fence depending on the direction, vertical or horizontal.
When you check for collisions, you get the type of collision, so you can make a bullet pass through fences, and walls, and destroy when hitting a block.
Any chance to get RmXP Tilesets and Autotiles workable too?
Sure, it would be possible. I have this feature in my list of WIP tasks 
What world direction? (XY or XZ, or both?)
So far, it’s 100% working if the map it’s in 0,0,0 position and XY.
Parallax System possible?
Yes, totally possible. Not supported yet, but easy to implement. I hope.
What’s the maximum Map size (RPG Maker has 500*500 Tiles)
Technically you can create a really big map. As big as you want because tiles are created only for the view area.
The only limitation it’s using an integer for width and height.
Possible to change the grid (using 1616 or 88 or 96*96… etc)?
Right now I am giving full support to RPG tilesets. But I have prepared the code to make this easy to implement in a future.
What is the maximum tileset length, since the VX/VXAce Sets are extremely limited - and RMXP Sets can be of any height that’s possible by PS.
Right now, the limitations are the same. But it would be easy to support more objects tilesets (512x512 tilesets).
Autoshadow as in VXAce (i hope NOT!)
I was thinking about this, but finally I didn’t implement this feature.
Option to render the complete map as PNG in original size? (like mapbuilder scripts in RM)
Nice feature. I would include this as this is easy to achieve.
When writing a Mapexporter in RGSS, to export a RPG maker Map as TXT, would it be possible to import into that editor? i ask for project conversion 
I don’t know about this exporter, but if it’s in plain text, it would be very easy to import. I will investigate this.
Animated Autotiles are working too?
Yes. Did you play the demo? You can see them animated
You can also set the speed in the final tool.
Can the tilemap be readout by Api to ask for tile IDs, Terain_id, Region_id…etc?
Yes, but only for tile type and collision type. I have not implemented terrain neither region. Only the visual part.
Add a new Command - like
Alt + Mouse = Disable Grid to place pixel based!
Not sure what does it mean. Drawing over the tilemap? It would be possible but in a separated object, as tilemap it’s only working with tiles
that’s all for the moment