Hello, we have just released the rts camera controller. A highly flexible resource suitable for RTS and Top Down games. Currently it’s 30% off!
Feedback is more than welcome. If you would like to review our asset we can provide free version, just sent us link to your channel, blog or any other place.
Also share your ideas with us, we would like to develop this plugin even further in the future
Video is comming soon!
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Hi guys, the video that explains all the functions of our RTS Camera Controller is now available:
We are looking forward to your feedback!
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Sneak peak of the demo version alongside with the main new feature - camera presets as scriptable objects! Demo version should be available within 1-2 weeks, unless we decide to implement some more features;)
We are open to your feature requests! Please comment if you like our work or if you have any feedback!
The webgl demo is already available - RTS Camera Controller by TonyBugow
Also, plugin and documentation have just been updated to version 1.1, here are the following changes:
Version 1.1(current)
Released: May 6, 2024
- ZoomSmoothness can be edited anytime.
- Reverse zoom option in RtsCameraControllerOldInputSystem.cs.
- Preset feature for camera properties.
- Demo with overlay.
The webgl demo is updated to 1.2 version - RTS Camera Controller by TonyBugow
Version 1.2(current)
Released: August 14, 2024
- Improved mouse swipe (movement and rotation) feature. It should now be much smoother and more user-friendly.
More updates comming soon!
W are looking forward to your feedvack, ideas for features and even new tools are more welcome.
Hi, we have just released the update 1.3 to our RTS camera controller.
Here you can find our package on the unity asset store - RTS Camera Controller | Camera | Unity Asset Store
The webgl demo is updated to 1.3 version - RTS Camera Controller by TonyBugow
Version 1.3.0
Released: Sep 30, 2024
- MoveTo: Following Target Feature Improvements
- Added an option for continuous rotation while following a target.
- Introduced an animated distance threshold curve that defines the stopping distance between the target and the camera based on the current height percentage.
More improvements comming soon, such as:
- Added rotate camera on zoom flag.
- Zoom scrolling smoothness, now Scrolling Power means units on Y axis. You can easily convert old values to new using the formula: (zoomMaxHeight - zoomMinHeight) * ZoomScrollPower = ZoomScrollPower.
- The effect of smoothness set to 0, camera will not be as smooth as before.
- New settings presets based on current RtsCameraController settings via context menu (three dots at RtsCameraController script).
We are looking forward to your feedback, ideas for features and even ideas for new tools are more than welcome. Stay tuned for the next updates!