[RELEASED] Scene Camera Extension - TNG

This Asset cames with full source code!

Works with Unity 4.x and Unity 5.x

Control the game camera with your Scene Camera!
Align your game camera with your active scene camera. You can use the real time tracking to control the game camera with your scene view!

Accurate Camera Positioning
Navigate your scene camera to a place you want, with your known controls. If you like the camera position in your scene view then place your game camera with only one click to the exact same position as your scene view camera.

See what’s the Player see!
You have the ability to see what the player see’s later, without gizmos and so on… Lights, Fog, Camera Effects…

Save the Scene and Game Camera’s Position to the Save Postions that they have.
The Scene Camera and the Game Camera has everyone 6 Storage places.

Short Explain

14.03.2018 -

  • Scene Camera Version 1 deleted

27.08.2017 - Version 2 Beta 1
Complete Redesign of this Asset

  • now with unlimited Camera memorys

15.02.2017 - Version 1.2

  • black Camera on Unity Startup fixed
  • scene Camera Saving issue fixed
  • wrong screen resolution with High DPI fixed

28.07.2015 - Version 1.1.u1
User Interface Update

  • Double Click on Game Camera Saveplace goes the Scene Camera to the Game Camera

03.05.2015 - Version 1.1

  • Dropdown Camera selection
  • each camera has his own Saveplaces

30.03.2015 - Version 1.0
Upload this Extension

2059825–134141–SceneCameraExtension.pdf (1.86 MB)

If it accepted, you will find it here:

It is accepted :slight_smile:

Update is coming :slight_smile:


New Update is out.

+Added Double Click Feature on Game Camera Saveplaces

Double Click on a Saveplace from the selected Game Camera and the Scene Camera goes to the exact Position/Rotation from the Game Camera.

Any wishes for the Future?

Today i will continue my work on this Project :slight_smile:

Hey, i found a Bug on this. Update will coming soon :slight_smile:

Wow! Just what I was looking for. Great extension.
I have a wish-- any way I can change the ‘green’ buttons to a neutral gray? I want the buttons to not stand out as much.

Hey, it quit working and now I don’t know how to reinstall it. Please help. The menu is gone.

I was able to get it to work in a new Project. Seems like the old project broke. Can you please give me instructions on how to manually install it? Thanks!

Hey there, sorry for that late reply, yes you can change the button color and i will give you the code for the menu error :wink:

Sorry, but my provider stopped working for one month so i don’t get e-mail notifications about posts :(.
Also is my website down, bacause of hackers. so i can’t upload anything to the asset store. (Unity politics)

For the button color you must go to the Script “TNG_OpenCloseWindow.cs”
In my Case is it at line 69

        GUI.contentColor = Color.green;
        Color bgColor = Color.cyan;
        bgColor.a = 0.45f;
        GUI.backgroundColor = bgColor;
        Color undoColor = Color.magenta;
        undoColor.a = 0.45f;

You must change

Color bgColor = Color.cyan;


Color bgColor = Color.gray;

If you also want to change the color from the button content then this is the right place :wink:

        GUI.contentColor = Color.green;

The other problem is exactly what?
Some Error Messages?

Can you post a Screenshot, please?

Error gone? o.O

Okay, i found out that there is a error since Unity 5.3.
There are some Problems with saving the Variables from some important things and the Scene Cameras Positions.

Also i tested it on a Macbook Retina and found out that the High DPI has some trouble with my SceneGui.
On my side, this is fixed but i must upload it to Unity.

So i will upload a Update today. Maybe in one week it will be Online.

Update was uploaded now. Release coming soon :slight_smile:

Update is Online

Yes, thanks! Error gone :slight_smile:

1 Like

Perfect :slight_smile: and You’re Welcome.

Working on some new Features :slight_smile:

3002450--223849--New Update.gif

Hi guys, every weekend i work on version 2 of this asset.

At this moment it is at a point that i want your feedback. From now you have unlimited Saveplaces for every Camera (Scene and all Game Cameras) you can name it, give some tags and also search for it.

I working on some Shortcuts to search and save right in the scene View. At the moment it is all done in a EditorWindow. But in the final Version you can use both, SceneView and EditorWindow.


I need 2-4 Testers.

Version 2 is online.