[RELEASED] Scene Fusion - real-time, multi-user scene editing!

Hi everyone,

I’m Justin, from KinematicSoup.

Since Unite 2015 we have been working on Scene Fusion, a tool that enables your team to work together in real-time.


We distribute Scene Fusion via our website and the Unity Asset Store. Scene Fusion is specific to each minor Unity release version, so we only support LTS releases.

What is it?

It is a way of sharing a scene so you and your team can work together in real-time. It’s like Google Docs for Unity.

Here it is in action where 7 people work together to build a scene in under an hour.

What does this do for you?

Scene Fusion lets you and your team assemble scenes much more quickly. If you are laying out a level, bring your decorators with you. If you are a lead designer, supervise and provide feedback in real-time while your design team is working on building the scene out. You can focus on one scene at a time, including sub-scenes, get it done, and move on to the next as a group.

We have several customers reporting to us that their teams are able to work twice as fast when using Scene Fusion, as well as schedules completing weeks worth of work in a few days.

If you’re interested, check us out on youtube! We have tutorials and workflow videos there, with more coming all the time.

Is it Source Control?

Scene Fusion is different from source control. It does not sync your assets or code. We recommend you use collab, Perforce, PlasticSCM, git, or svn to handle that work. Scene Fusion does work WITH source control, so while you are in session you can use source control to add new assets! We even have placeholders for other who have not yet pull the new assets in.

What about code/scripts?

We get asked this A LOT. We don’t sync code and assets, so use source control to push those changes to each other… If you change something while in a Fusion Session, Scene Fusion detects the change the provides the team with a notification of the difference without interrupting the session. Once you use source control to push your changed asset or code, and they pull the change in, the notification will be cleared automatically.

What about plugins?

Scene Fusion ships with extensions to support the latest versions of official Unity plugins (ProBuilder, Cinemachine, EXR, etc). It is possible to create your own extensions to support plugins you are using or have created. For larger paying customers, we will help you with this - just ask!

Update: Scene Fusion 2 for Unity is now released

We are now on version 2.0.1, and an asset store version is in the works.

[Edit 1 - added info about this not being a source control replacement and youtube link]
[Edit 2 - added more specific info about how to use Scene Fusion with source control, and what can/cannot be synced]
[Edit 3 - we support EditorVR, and other plugins such as Ferr2D, ProBuilder]
[Edit 4 - we support arbitrarily large scenes in the paid version and PlayMaker]
[Edit 5 - official support for EditorXR and Unity 2017.2 is finally live]
[Edit 6 - yes, the project is alive, we just forgot to update this thread. We are now on Scene Fusion 1.8. We have deprecated support for non-unity 3rd party plugins as it is getting too complex to offer wide unity version support and plugin support]
[Edit 7 - Scene Fusion has been updated significantly. Clarified how Scene Fusion now tolerates project differences, including code and asset differences, between collaborators during a session. Clarified plugin support]
[Edit 8 - Scene Fusion 2 is released]

Just so everyone knows. This asset is revolutionary. It works as shown and has only become better and better.

I noticed they also have a free trial now too. So you don’t have to take my word for it.

Edit: Just be aware that it doesn’t sync files and assets. It can deal with projects not having the same files (by displaying a gizmo of sorts) but you may need an external file sync solution.


Thanks @MrIconic for the kind words!

And yes, thanks for pointing this out because it is important:

This is NOT a source control replacement. Use Collab, Git, Perforce, etc. to distribute and sync your project. Scene Fusion is all about loading a scene, and bringing in people to help build it out with you so you can get decorations, lighting, architecture, etc. all done at one time.

We are posting videos to our youtube channel here: www.youtube.com/kinematicsoup. We are always adding new tutorial and workflow videos (and a bunch of speed builds!).

You can finish a week’s worth of work in as little as a few hours working this way.

You can even enter and leave play mode, and choose to see the changes other people are doing in real-time. For example, if you are tuning some jumps on your platformer, you can have a person adjust the scene for you while you are testing so you don’t have to enter/leave play mode for every change.

We have another release coming up, 1.2.1. We are fixing a few things like child order syncing. I believe we will also have support for Ferr2D by Simbryo. We are in contact with other interesting tool makers who would work really well with real-time collaboration.

Oh, and if you are attending a game jam, and would like to use Scene Fusion for it, contact us!


Hello everyone. Yesterday version 1.3 of Scene Fusion went live. This one is a bit special in that it has specific EVR support. However, you will either need to use the development branch of EVR or you will have to wait until EVR 0.0.2 is released. The feature is to be considered experimental. If you try it out and have an issue, just contact us at support@kinematicsoup.com, and we will help you out.

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Sorry I missed a version number! We have released version 1.3.2, followed by 1.4.

Release notes are here: Release Notes — KinematicSoup Technologies Inc.


We are now on version 1.5.2. We are currently working on extreme-size scene support, Playmaker support, and performance/bandwidth optimizations. We are also working on documenting our API so everyone can use it.

Have a favorite plugin that you would like to see us support? Join us on discord or contact is at info@kinematicsoup.com.


Today we released Scene Fusion 1.6.

What’s New:

> FREE tier is now available, allowing two people to use Scene Fusion on small scenes containing up to 500 game objects.
> Playmaker 1.8 support
> Significantly improved scene setup times for very large scenes
> Better support for EditorVR, including Oculus Touch support
> A significant number of bug fixes, tweaks, and enhancements


Today we put up a new asset release, Scene Fusion 1.6.0-1. This fixes an issue where the new fast loading system would be overly aggressive is matching your projects up. The problem made it hard to start sessions. This is now fixed!

nice work with this, Can we use super tile map editor with scene fusion?

We haven’t created specific support for super tilemap editor, however it is possible to make it work. Scene Fusion includes code to sync ProBuilder and Play Maker. Look at the code and you’ll see how you can tie in to Scene Fusion to enable support for other plugins.

We are working on Scene Fusion 1.7, with Unity 2017.2 support, with official EditorVR support and support for Unity’s new tilemap system. We are including a change to the API allowing you to lock and sync arrays of data, which you can use to hook in to your own tools. This change is an improvement on the current system that you see in our plugin integrations.

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Alright, Scene Fusion 1.7 with support for Unity 2017.2 is live! That one took awhile.

It supports Unity’s new tile terrain features, which was a challenge to get working. More importantly, we have really put a lot more focus on support for EditorXR 0.0.9.

We just release Scene Fusion 1.7.1. This one adds a notification and scene information system and has new features in the API! If you are looking to use Scene Fusion capabilities in your project with your plugins, jump in on discord with us - Discord invite is in my signature.

Any ETA on support for Unity 2018?

We have just finished 2017.4 which should be released imminently. We have just started work on 2018.1. We anticipate it will go reasonably quickly, though we may have to do more than one release to ensure we work with the new plugins. We already work with ProBuilder, so it shouldn’t take too much time to verify everything works with the version shipping in Unity.

Just an update: Unity 2018.2 has been supported for a few months now. We are starting work on 2018.3 since it should be getting close to release.

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No updates since 2018?

FAQ page is dead: http://www.kinematicsoup.com/scene-fusion/faq

Is this abandoned software?

No we are active. We are currently building support for nested prefabs as well as a prefab syncing option. We now also have Scene Fusion for Unreal engine. FAQ page is now here: Scene Fusion FAQ — KinematicSoup Technologies Inc.

So it looks like if I build my level design/art pipeline around SceneFusion, I’m going to be stuck a few versions behind in terms of Unity editor… that could be a problem.

Unity should aqui-hire you and integrate the service officially as part of Collaborate

Yeah we’re a little behind because of nested prefabs. It adds a lot of complexity. Several things are changing in the engine and, as you might imagine, we have to go through all of it to see what has changed. We are also working on a prefab syncing feature that works well with source control, and the two need to work together, so it is taking some time to get right.

So far we’re 2 official releases behind. We should be able to catch both up at the same time once nested prefabs are all sorted.

We are on 2018.4. just wondering, when do u think this will be updated? Thanks

We are thinking of giving this a try. but right now we cant. unless we got back a version.