[Released] SceneView Highlight and Pickup

Asset Store


  • Highlight objects when hover in hierarchy and scene view

  • 3D renderers

  • 2D sprites

  • UI elements (RectTransform)

  • Highlight selected 2D sprites (Unity does not highlight sprites)

  • Switch highlight object overlapped in scene view

  • Select overlapped object last highlighted


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Special offer to upgrade to Hierarchy Plus with $4 and Multispector with $6.

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Can you update it for 2019.3 beta?
I’m using Universal Render Pipline and the outlines don’t show up

Its working in 20.20

I hope it will be updated for URP

The reason it doesn’t work is that OnRenderImage is not supported in URP.

I found a simple way to show the outlines again:

Add these codes in SceneViewOutline.cs:

private void OnEnable()
RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering += BlitOutline;

private void OnDisable()
RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering -= BlitOutline;

private void BlitOutline(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera)
RenderTexture source = RenderTexture.active;
OnRenderImage(source, camera.targetTexture); // call the function manually

I hope it will be helpful for you.



Thank you very much!

I was very much missing this tool and with that fix its perfect again!

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In 2022 I have a new error in URP

Is anyone able to fix this ?

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    private void BlitOutline(ScriptableRenderContext context, Camera camera)
            var source = RenderTexture.active;
            if(source == null) return;
            var tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.descriptor);
            OnRenderImage(source, tempRT); // call the function manually
            Graphics.Blit(tempRT, camera.targetTexture);

This should work

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Thanks to the code provided by the two gentlemen above, it perfectly solved the problem. Before finding this, I was disappointed because I thought this plugin originally did not display the outline of the sprite. Now this plugin perfectly solves the problem of having too many sprite layers to choose from. I can’t even find a plugin with similar functionality in Unity. I have no knowledge of editor extension related code, so I am very grateful for their code.

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