[Released] SGSR Mobile - Upscaling for Unity

Are there any plans to update SGSR2?

Still being investigated! I don’t think it will be a replacement/upgrade on SGSR1 as I think SGSR and SGSR2 have very different use cases (SGSR 1 being the best spatial upscaler out there and SGSR 2 being a temporal upscaler that claims being the fastest)

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Headsup, SGSR 2 is incoming, which will offer a much higher visual fidelity and is much faster than FSR 3! It even works great on WebGL (WebGPU only) and the Nintendo Switch!

([Announcement] SGSR 2 Mobile - Upscaling for Unity)


Hey, does this work with VR like SGSR 1 does? I just picked up this asset as the reviews mentioned it working on standalone Quest devices, but looking at this forum post it seems that was for SGSR 1 and the reviews just transferred over to the new asset. The documentation says VR is not supported but just wanted to double check I wasn’t missing anything.

Hi! Sorry SGSR 2 does not yet support VR, all supported platforms are visible in the technical details on the store page.

I will be adding VR support in the future though!

Unfortunately you’re right about the reviews, they got transferred over from v1.

Ahh that’s a shame, the technical details said the platforms were unconfirmed and then I saw the review saying it was working so thought I’d give it a go.

I’ll hang onto this asset and keep an eye out for a future update! Thanks for the info.

Yeah, it is indeed! I had hoped VR would work out of the box after I implemented it the same way as FSR 3 and the other upscalers, but it needs some additional shader fixes.

Gotcha. Any idea on a rough timeframe for when you think a VR update will be out? Looking to release my game in around 3 months and hoping to get some upscaling working by then!

Sorry I can’t give any estimation. What renderpipeline are you on? Do you already have SGSR 1 implemented?

I’m using URP, and no I don’t own SGSR 1 as this is my first attempt at looking into upscaling as a solution to increase FPS.