[Released] Shadow of the colossus viewer, texture and models exporter xD

Here’s a viewer and exporter a created. It was created far away before, but just know i realized how importad it can be for all this communit. Sorry if i’m posting in the wrong session. i just created a account to post this GUI here.

Here’s the viewer on youtube:

Here’s the link to the GUI on github: GitHub - Matheus-Garbelini/SotC-Viewer: A resources viewer for all versions of Shadow of the Colossus Game. You can also export 3D models or textures.

Any question feel free to send me a email: mgarbelix@gmail.com

Great job! Now I need to find which friend actually uses Windows and the colossi will be mine!

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Haha, Certainly, and after that print then in a 3D printer xD

how do you export the models?