[RELEASED] Silantro Flight Simulator

I’m glad to introduce to you Silantro Flight Simulator.

Asset Store Link: Silantro Flight Simulator Toolkit | Physics | Unity Asset Store

Web Demo: Silantro Flight Simulator by Oyedoyin


Silantro Flight System provides AAA flight simulation physics in unity with superb aerodynamics, very realistic engines and aircraft components, which can be easily setup and controlled.

Realistic Aerofoil System: Calculates Lift and Drag forces generated by each aerofoil based on the supplied 2D airfoil data while applying the appropriate 3D wing corrections.

Aerofoil Component:

The aerofoils can be controlled with a series of control surfaces both Primary and Secondary, available control include;

Primary: Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder, Elevon, Ruddervator

  1. Secondary: Flaps, Slats, Spoilers and Spoilerons

Analysis of aerodynamic coefficients at each section of the aerofoil based on the provided Root and Tip airfoil data i.e. at every section of the wing, the effective coefficient is calculated based on the tip and root airfoil performance data.

Ground effect analysis with detailed influence factor assumptions

Fuselage drag analysis; the wetted surface area of the aircraft fuselage (will be extended to other components in future updates) and the drag generated can be calculated.

Realistic Engine/Propulsion System: The system comes with engines based on actual thermodynamic assumptions, the required data can be easily sourced from Wikipedia or other internet databases.

Performance Data board

Detailed Fuel System

Other Components;

  • Health and Destruction System
  • Realistic environmental computation and aerodynamic-effect analysis i.e Ambient Temperature, pressure, density e.t.c variation affects the performance of the aircraft and its components
  • Integrated Radar and Weapons system
  • Dynamic Center of Gravity calculation based on attached fuel tanks and payloads.
  • Flight Data Logging system e.t.c

3431061–271119–Flight Data.txt (5.28 KB)


Fantastic work! I used to play flight simulators as a kid, and I had even write a very simple but realistic sim. Yours looks really good, and the components seem to be very well designed and arranged based on their functionality.

A couple of suggestions:

  • Option to export the flight data as CSV file. This way it could be imported into Excel or any other spreadsheet directly for analysis. Here’s a handy CSV file utility you can use in Unity:
    Reading and Writing CSV Files in C# - CodeProject
  • Use a different screen recorded for your videos that provides a better frame rate. For example, the free OBS Studio software (formerly Open Broadcaster) can capture smooth videos from Unity.

Keep the good work!


My 2 cents: I think the radar, targeting and weapon system is something you should not add. Many people would prefer a cleaner simulation package over a bloated all purpose solution. While this sounds nice for beginners usually people would prefer to add their own solutions based on their own needs. Don’t forget adding such bonus features will increase your support effort too. Why don’t you release such additional things as perfectly compatible add ons? The quality of the simulation itself is important and so far this looks promising especially with the engine simulation.

Anyway looking forward for this. :slight_smile:


Thanks Edy, the excel export was actually my first plan but i thought it was going to be too complicated. Thanks for the link, i’m definitely going to add it now :wink:

To be completely honest, i haven’t been able to work on the Jet engine for the CTOL and STOVL/VTOL aircrafts because of the weapons and additional features :eyes:. I’m gonna take your advice and concentrate on the simulation and engines cus i cant wait to work on the F-35 STOVL Fighter;).
One more thing, out of the components i listed, which one’s do you think are essential for the first release??

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I’ve just added an option to export the Flight Data as .csv file suggested by Edy:):):):slight_smile:

Sample Log File

More UPDATES coming…

I would finish it first. (so it is working as is. Don’t make any promises, instead wait what people want. And then decide what you add.)
For the start I would add all engine types you want to add, give the damage system a simple interface where other developers could hook their stuff on (you will never know their specific needs). Absolutely ignore anything related to graphics or weapons because this is not the job of such a package. Instead create a great API so that developers can create their own instruments, visuals for damage, add payload, controllers, etc. I would even give them the possibility to add their own damage system (by overriding the detection of yours) so that they just can tell your system that a part is damaged or not.

The more freedom you give them the less support you must give.


I just completed the turbofan engine and it works great:)


UPDATE!!! Just submitted the test package for review. Hope its cleared in a couple of days:):wink:
Please download, test and review it’ll really help me make the final package better and more realistic.


Started work on my STOVL flight system with the F-35 Joint flighter

Vertical Takeoff and Hovering Balance complete…After-burning engine addition next:):wink:


#UPDATE Hydraulic Door movement system complete… Now any door or part can be moved smoothly without external animations


UPDATE : Afterburner done :)… First test in Conventional takeoff configuration

UPDATE: Finally flying supersonic with the F35 :):):wink:
So happy the simulation holds at supersonic speeds.
Longer flight video


This looks very intresting, and would consider buying it, but whats holding you from putting it on the asset store ?

He wrote he uploaded it to the store: #10
But it usually takes several weeks these days before an asset gets approved by the Asset Store team.

Ok great, and @Oyedoyin1 really good job !

Looks nice.
I know exactly how difficult is to implement real life physics to flight model.
Can you perform dead-stick-landing with this sim?

Checking the asset store every day for this to release, hoping to replace uFS system for flight dynamics.
How is drag modelled for non standard configurations, ie for floats of a float plane - will the drag from these affect the cog of the aircraft correctly.

Wow, very impressive, having taken aerospace and aeronautics engineering classes and getting it to work well in Unity is a great accomplishment. Well done! My only quick note is that (and perhaps this is outdated), when the plane with a wing exploded hits the ground, the wing briefly re-appears for a frame or two. Do you replace the model with a pieces one at impact time and if so I guess check for missing wings! Very cool.

My first submission was declined because some prefabs (Explosions in the example scene) were not set up correctly :(, but I’ve been working on making the asset easier to work with and more user friendly while adding a couple of new systems.:):):slight_smile: which i’m on course to be done with this Friday!!..
A new aircraft can now be created from the Gameobject menu, which gives a default aircraft with the selected engine.
and additional components can be created from the dedicated toolbar with just a couple of clicks

I’ve also added a fuel distribution system which now enables aircraft to have multiple tanks(Internal and External) and can perform REFUEL and FUEL DUMP maneuvers.

I’ve also added a basic thrust vectoring system for the Turbojet and Turbofan engines

All that is left now is just to put finishing touches on the systems and update the documentation before resubmitting on Friday.