Smart colliders are an enhanced version of physic colliders included with Unity, improved to solve some problems found when using the default colliders like sticking when moving a box collider over collider joints, a slope or small imperfections, trespassing colliders when moving fast, etc.
It’s also including a Smart Platform Controller and several samples applying the smart colliders to a platform game. But you can use it in any kind of games where you need a better control of colliders because the smart colliders logic is separated from game logic.
@CreativeSpore , can you add to the character controller some stuff like climb ladders, Ledge Grabbing and Grappling Hook? I know there is already “climbing trees and stairs” but when I say “climb ladders” I mean something like this:
Sure! I can make the player to climb ladders easily.
Ledge grabbing could be added later, also ledge swiping.
And I am already thinking how to make a grappling hook, but it will be a feature for later.
Right now, I am working on the Galaxy demo, to be included in the next update.
I want to make a jumper demo as well.
And a request for vertical and horizontal moving platforms.
I will add the ladders climbing if I have time.
Hi @CreativeSpore , I need to say congratulations to you… your platformer solution is so beautiful… I will buy your asset next month for sure for my multiplayer game project!