[Released] SS2d: Sprites generator & High performance RTS system - Mobile support & more!

Demo Video:



  • Generating 2d sprites from 3d animations.
  • Very high performance 2d RTS (Real-Time-Strategy) system.
  • Simple class design. Easy to inherit.
  • Included source codes.
  • Included documents, tutorial videos.
  • Support fast.


Generating 2d sprites from 3d animations:
・Included shadows. You can set shadow colour & alpha too.
・Generate all animations of a character by one click.
・Auto applying sprite pivot, sprite packing tag. Auto applying sprites to character prefabs.
・Support multi directions.

Very high performance 2d RTS system:
・Zero GC Alloc (0 byte / frame), for playing game smoothly.
・Use the best suitable sort-algorithm for sorting sprite-renderer orders to improve performance.
・Use only a manager to update all other game objects to improve performance for hundreds objects.
・Use Cache Manager to re-use game objects, avoid instantiating & destroying.
・Use build-in navigation system.
・Simple AI to control character states (idle / move / attack).
・Self sprite-animation-system for controlling everything with accuracy up to 0.01 second.
・Auto resolve traffic-jam problem of navigation system.
・Support moving character (troops), static characters (buildings).
・Support melee attack, target range attack, area attack.

Thank you for using SS2d !

if you have any feature request, send me an email
Email support: anhpt.csit@gmail.com

Update Version 1.1.0:

・Add new feature: Generating Animation Clips!

・Tutorial Video:

・Update Version 1.2.0
SS2d: Sprites Generator & High Performance RTS System | Tools | Unity Asset Store
・Tutorial 6: Custom Controller (for 2.5d games)
・Tutorial 7: Platformer Character (for 2d games)

・Update Version 1.3.0
SS2d: Sprites Generator & High Performance RTS System | Tools | Unity Asset Store

・Character color is changeable! (with minimum resources).
・Support Unity 5.1 or higher.

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Any plan to update this tool?