[Released] TCG Prototyping Cards Set Vol.2

Hi all!:slight_smile:

This is the 2nd pack of our new 2d TCG cards series - TCG Prototyping Cards Set Vol.2.

It contains 51 unique cards of angels that were developed exactly for TCG games prototyping and presentation! All the cards have basic RPG stats and descriptions to show you their potential.

Each card has both *png and *.psd files (with all needed layers). And all card types have templates to help you create new ones in the same style! :slight_smile:
You may find some examples on the screenshots below.

1821781--116571--screen1.png 1821781--116572--screen2.png
1821781--116573--screen4.png 1821781--116574--screen5.png

Pack price is $10. We hope that youโ€™ll like it!
If you do - feel free to rate it at unity store. :wink:

TCG Prototyping Cards Set Vol.1 is here.
TCG Prototyping Cards Set Vol.3 is here.
TCG Prototyping Cards Full Set is here.

More cardsโ€™re coming soon.
You may also visit our publisher page and find more of our 2d and 3d assets. :slight_smile:

TCG Prototyping Cards Full Set was added to unity store!
Forum thread is here.