[RELEASED] TopDown Engine by More Mountains [new v3.0 : damage types, damage resistance, and more!]

Weapons, and every other classes are fully compatible with MMF Players, have been for as long as MMF Players have existed, no need for any update.

Note that the old system got phased out a few months ago, after having been deprecated for more than 2 years.

I’m not aware of any issue with feedbacks and weapons, none have ever been reported, but don’t hesitate to use the support form to report any issue, I’ll be happy to have a look for you.


I’m currently working on a project where I would like to use TopDown Engine to create a new version of my game. I already have over 100 levels created in a text format, represented as a 20x16 grid. Each level is stored in a text file where different characters represent various objects (walls, floors, enemies, etc.). Here’s an example of the structure for 2 levels:


I noticed that TopDown Engine includes support for procedural generation of random levels. Given this, I have a few questions:

  1. Is it possible to leverage the existing procedural generation logic in TopDown Engine to generate levels based on text files like the ones I have?

  2. Can the procedural generation system in the engine be modified to accept a text file and automatically convert it into a level using predefined prefabs (player, walls, floors, enemies, etc.)?

  3. I am interested in creating both 2D and 3D levels. Is the procedural generation system in TopDown Engine flexible enough to support generating levels in both 2D and 3D from the same text-based input format?

  4. If so, which components or classes in TopDown Engine should I look into or modify to achieve this functionality?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

TDE comes with one example of a procgen level, to show how you can plug any procgen system to it. But the procedural system it uses is extremely minimal, by design, and meant as an example. You can use any other system, there wouldn’t be much of a point in porting what you have to it.
Simply use your system, no need to modify anything.

I love this engine.

I’m trying to find the area to leave suggestions for new features.

Can you create a Line of sight / fog of war addon for the top down engine? using a method that can support larger scaled maps

As I told you on Discord 9 days ago, you can use the support form to make suggestions:

Your vote will automatically be added to them if the feature’s already been requested.