UI Particles – it’s a simple extension allows you to add particles into your UI.
UI Particles based on Unity Shuriken Particle System, you do not need change your particles. Simple add UIParticles script to your GameObjects with Shuriken Particle System, set it inside Canvas and you’re done.
Supported features:
UI Particles compatible with all types of canvases:
Screen Space - Overlay
Screen Space - Camera
World Space
UI Particles support depth sorting inside UI.
UI Particles supports RectMask2D and Mask components with some shader changes.
UI Particles compatible with mobile devices. Tested on iOS and Android.
Unsupported features:
UI Particles currently not support Shuriken Particle Render module.
For Unity versions early 5.4 not support:
-Different particle scale for each axis.
-Frame over lifetime setting replaced to custom settings in UIPartice script.
I’ve tested it on 5.3, 5.4, 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 versions. It’s compatible with this versions.
I’ll try to upload plugin with different unity versions, as soon as possible.
When do you think next update is going to be available on the store?
I would be nice if you could just drop the script on a particle system which contains other nested particle systems and just check a “Apply to nested Particle Systems” checkbox.
Does it support shapes, initial velocities, 3D rotated particle systems?
Which are the currently supported/unsupported modules of the particle systems?
Do I have to rebuild an existing FX from scratch or there is some chance it is going to work without having to tweak it too much?
I’ve already uploaded new version of plugin to assetstore, its currently under review. It’s uploaded with Unity 5.3.0.
I’ve added source code instead dll for better comparability, the issue of “MissingMethodException” was fixed in this update too.
I hope it will be available on this week.
So I’ve updated and now it works on 5.3.6f1 Thanks!
But there is still issues with this asset:
Texture sheet animation:
Naming of variables responsible for Texture frame per particle is a mess. There is no documentation, no example how it works. Only after digging in code I’ve managed to work with it.
Single Row + Random row with Frame over time = 0 doesn’t work properly. Often used technique to make 1 emitter that emits different particles (they don’t change frame over lifetime), but can’t be used with this asset at the moment.
Hope you’ll be able to fix this and improve your documentation,
because right now this asset have a high price / low value ratio.
UI Particles doesn’t support Line and Trail Renderer components currently.
When Unity 5.5. will be released, I’ll implement a support of new trail renderer module of particle system, if Unity will provides API, to gets data from this module.
But, I think, I’ll make a research how to implement trail renderer in UI. Seems good feature for update.
@Lex_Dudya So I bought it and the first things that I’d like to understand better are the shaders GlowAdditiveSimple and TwoColors.
It seems that the Simple version doesn’t take in account the color over lifetime. Is it correct?
Also, what are the Tint and Core colors/strength and in what are they different from the default color of the particle system.
Hi there,
We are considering purchasing your asset, however we are wondering what kind of performance hit it has for mobile. You mention that it is supported on android and ios but we don’t see any mention of performance.
I’ve purchased various assets in the past that ended up being a complete waste due to a lack of optimization.
Can you comment on the Perf hit for your asset, especially in regards to mobile?
Hello, nice plugin.
When running the effects in a Nexus 7 (2012) with Android 5.1.1 the effects get scrambled all over the screen, like they are positioned and rotated from random places. Do you have any idea why and how can we solve this? Other devices seem fine.